Full Blue Moon – Energy changes for Soulmates and Twin Flames

There will be full blue moon (in Aquarius).
With the sun in fiery Leo and with the freedom (of Aquarius).

It will give spiritual love energy a boost. It’s time to think positive. Reflecting of the past emotions will cause stress and anxiety – the past is over, it’s time to let it go. The future is not written yet and worrying will not help.

So exactly does a full blue moon represent spiritually?

Full Moons are a spiritual time of letting go. It also influences the tides of oceans. Everyone is made of water, a full moon during this time, will also have a great impact pull on all of us!

Our bodies are made of energy and  water, now the moon when it’s full,  will create the strongest gravitational pull. This time of release. It’s a time of spiritual purging.

During the full Blue Moon, the Soulmate love energy is actually intensified,  if it’s a feeling of negative of positive. This is a time to be aware and try to avoid arguments with your partner or loved one.

Blue Full Moon represents the completion and start over with the next cycle.

This is is very important, the Universe is providing us all with lots of energy that has to be cleared away and completely released.

Knowing that this feels heavy or stressful at times. Full blue Moon can be a positive new beginning,  helping us to set a new course!

Along with Venus continuing retrograde, there can be some backwards energy that may need to be cleared to be able to move forward.

This will be a time to dig up and revisit the past to clear and let go to  start off fresh on our path.

Many people may feel irritated from the gravitational pull of the moon .

And this happens around 5 days before the full blue moon and 5 days after, the energy becomes less intense.

Do you have a question about your love relationship?

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