Loving Yourself Enhancing Soul mate Connections

The energy that you put out in the universe will be manifested in a soul vibration that attracts love directly to you both.

Your soul mate feels your emotions on many levels, depending on how awakened your Soul mate is, there may not be a complete awareness of what is connected, and not be able to distinguish that it isn’t his/her feelings in that moment.

Paying more attention, staying connected to your conversations in your mind for truth is that we connect spiritually to accept love beyond our physical bodies.

Just as your twinflame feels your energy, the same is true for you too. You both can feel each others emotions, so it’s not surprising you feel like he/she is calling you.

When you are aware of your twinflame, it’s because your spirit has remembered the soul source and connects you to this life time, each step you take is leading to that soul reunion.

The importance of loving yourself in at this time, is when you start to love yourself, you love your soul mate and allow your other half to love them self more, this is a never ending cycle of increasing the unconditional love for yourself.

When you look towards your twinflame and your twinflame looks at you, the love for yourself is magnified deeper, as you can see your twin soul, enhancing the true love for your twin soul and yourself at the same time

The deep eternal love is an extremely powerful journey and is so exciting. Knowing that you both are closer and merging together, which is  preparing you when you both come together .

People feel that they need to save their love only for their twinflame or soulmate, this should never be the case for you to love. First, twinflame relationships are very difficult unless you both are awakened, highly spiritual and fully vibrating.

Twinflames mirror to each other even all their faults, flaws, also their fears that need to be corrected. This is when the ego can come in destroying everything, this is why you have to love yourself first and foremost.

Many say that one of the twinflames are more spiritually advanced by nature and can hold the light, while the runner twin continually abandons the relationship out of fear, emotional pain and immaturity. It’s possible that both twin flames are not spiritually or emotionally awake to handle this intense energy of the twin soul reunion.

It’s extremely important to work on YOURSELF spiritually first. Raising the vibration level and love yourself first without any restrictions, most importantly, without fear of being alone in your life.

This connection is not about ego at all. This is about the spirit’s merging with love, which starts in the heart. The ego, is all in the mind.

You have to ignore the energy of your ego, you have to get in touch with your Spirit, and you must learn love yourself.

This is an intense soul relationship, there is also the baggage that you may have to deal with. This does not mean Twinflame relationships will not work. They definitely can work, and they both can live together in peace and harmony, but first you both have first learn to love yourselves. Your Twin soul is the half of you.

Twinflame connections are usually all romantic because there’s an attraction on so many levels, yes including an intense sexual energy. Twinflame relationships are not always male and female, they can be male and male or female and female genders.

This connection can develop in your early years as if you are feeling out of place where ever you go, frustrated about the world. You can feel sad, depressed or experience an awakening early in your life without meeting your soulmate. You can feel enlightened visions at very young age (I did), especially if you never was with your soulmate .

When you and your Twinflame is created in the universe, you both enter at the same time or years apart. You will meet up in almost every lifetime, unless there is a major age difference (Infant and senior). The twinflame connection phase depends on how the both of you can make it work will be the love frequency and essentially how much you both learned first to love yourselves unconditionally.

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2 Replies to “Loving Yourself Enhancing Soul mate Connections”

  1. Omg Ann I pray to the Universe to guide me to my twin flame everyday and I see it’s work every time. You wrote the post I needed more than anything. Oh how the Universe knows best. It struck me like a bullet to the head when you wrote “most importantly, to live without fear of being alone” And that is the battle I’m trying to overcome almost everyday. But slowly with one step at a time I am learning to see why I’m scared of being alone. I love my tf a lot that being alone from him is scary but that doesn’t have to be the case. I love this post so much. Thank you Ann!

  2. WOW!! This blog really gived me some more insight on my situation currently going through. Anyways thank you so much for sharing!

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