Energy Vampires – Protect yourself from Negativity

Energy vampires – the people that only take from you. These people  are called Energy vampires and they can be your Spouse, friends, family, teachers, clients, neighbors, boyfriend, girlfriend or Continue Reading →

Twinflames – Runner and Chaser Explained!

The Definition of the Runner and Chaser in Twinflame connections. By Ann Elizabeth The original soulmate connection. We can connect happily and comfortably to that person. With very little effort, (not like Continue Reading →

It’s Time for A Psychic Spring Cleaning

Spring Equinox is almost here March 20 2015. Everyone starts to spring clean this time of the year, making our homes clean, fresh, calmer, luckier and filled positive energy (as Continue Reading →

Attract positive energy for Divine Union with your Twin flame

We are all Spiritual Magnets! When we send out positive energy through emotions, feelings, thoughts and vibrations, we attract positivity in our lives. When we dwell on negativity, we attract negative energy. To Continue Reading →