The Full moon is November 6, 2014 in the earth sign Taurus while the sun is in Scorpio. This is  best time to focus and plan on more of your Continue Reading →

Soulmates -Twin flames Twin Rays & Twin Soul Connections

Soulmates & Twinflames Connections People who seek psychic readings and specifically soulmate readings, they have many questions concerning their situation regarding love and emotional relationships. Soulmate Readings with Psychic Ann Continue Reading →

Truth about Soulmates, Karmic, Twinflames & Twin Rays

There are several types of soulmates and each one is very important to learning the lessons in every lifetime, these are lessons that we choose before entering this realm.  Soulmates Continue Reading →

How to know if you met your Soulmate or twin flame connection or false twin?

Soulmate connection is the divine spiritual connection. Yes both the Twin flame and Soulmate are intense energies, Twin flame is a deeper energy where Soulmates are the Dynamo that is Continue Reading →