The Definition of Soulmates, Karmic & Twin Flame Connections

You see it all over though Internet, information about soulmates.

You see it all over though Internet, information about soulmates. There are so many different types or spiritual connections (soulmates) that enter in a lifetime, they are meant to help us grow and most importantly teaches valuable lessons, this is vital for our spiritual walk on this earth. Sometimes the negativities and mistakes we make, we can get hurt and this can many times a standstill for our spiritual path. This is part of our lives and we get up and get stronger, learning from our mistakes and starting over again just remembering that this was all a valuable lesson that we experienced to understand and help us awaken to a 5D level to our true soulmate. Karmic or past life soul mate This type of connection is still attached that we have important karma that needs to be fulfilled. This usually has to do with past lives and unfinished business with him or her. Karmic connections are not always meaning that it's a bad karma between two people, only for the fact that they have to re-live something and clear it, letting go of some type of either negative or positive energy that they have shared from a previous life, they will need to explore it together. Many times it can be very extreme causing a very bad break up with no chance of reconciling, but getting total closure knowing that that energy was cleared. Many people confuse this type of connection with twin flames, the difference is karmic energy there comes a time when there is closure, when there is negativity with twin flames there is there's always that magnetic pull and no closure. Companion soulmates Soulmates will come together for reason and they help one another get through a soul mission, trying to find peace in their life especially when they are not able to meet their twin soul in this lifetime. Companion soulmates are helping each other in many ways, their love can be very strong between them but that energetic pull as it is with the twin soul is not as intense or extreme and they live in harmony. This is the ideal type of soulmate that most people find, feeling like everything falls into place, they have everything on the same level but though they never feel that intensity as they would with the twin flame. And I'm not talking that everything is a match made heaven or it's not that they're settling for less but they can live their life in peace as with twin flames there's always that deep fiery intensity that draws them in a negative and positive direction at the same time. Twin flames This is part of the soulmate group but it is a very intense connection between two people. It's one soul split into two and as many people try to seek out their twin flame many will not meet their twin flame in this lifetime. It's about 50% chance that you will. Many think this is the most powerful of the soulmate connection, all soulmates are equal. The twin flame connection is a certain type of soulmate that you just have one, where we have more than one soulmate that enter in our lives. It's truly a gift when you do meet your twin flame, but this can only happen when the both of you are ready spiritually to meet up and many times there are tests, trials and life lessons that are needed to be completed in order to merge the spiritual energy together. You can find long lasting happiness with any type of soulmate, many times people are seeking out a specific type, like when will I meet my twin flame? Or is this person my twin flame? When you do meet your twin flame you will know right away that with that person is in your life, no one will ever come close to that feeling you have with your twinflame, even many years later you will still feel that same flame burning in your heart for that person your twin flame. In order to be ready you have to be strong and assertive in your heart, but it starts when the love is within. Sometimes you have to go through a difficult journey with negativity before meeting your true soulmate, never blaming yourself or anyone for things that is happened to you. Always let it go and love yourself first. Many times people are with a companion soulmate and this is a wonderful experience, but when their twin is on this earth and they are meant to meet up later in life, they will feel it deep in their heart  and they know that there is someone else out there,

There are so many different types or spiritual connections (soulmates) that enter in a lifetime, they are meant to help us grow and most importantly teaches valuable lessons, this is vital for our spiritual walk on this earth.

Sometimes the negativities and mistakes we make, we can get hurt and this can many times a standstill for our spiritual path.

This is part of our lives and we get up and get stronger, learning from our mistakes and starting over again just remembering that this was all a valuable lesson that we experienced to understand and help us awaken to a 5D level to our true soulmate.

Karmic or past life soul mate

This type of connection is still attached that we have important karma that needs to be fulfilled. This usually has to do with past lives and unfinished business with him or her.

Karmic connections are not always meaning that it’s a bad karma between two people, only for the fact that they have to re-live something and clear it, letting go of some type of either negative or positive energy that they have shared from a previous life, they will need to explore it together.

Many times it can be very extreme causing a very bad break up with no chance of reconciling, but getting total closure knowing that that energy was cleared.

Many people confuse this type of connection with twin flames, the difference is karmic energy there comes a time when there is closure, when there is negativity with twin flames there is there’s always that magnetic pull and no closure.

Companion soulmates

Soulmates will come together for reason and they help one another get through a soul mission, trying to find peace in their life especially when they are not able to meet their twin soul in this lifetime.

Companion soulmates are helping each other in many ways, their love can be very strong between them but that energetic pull as it is with the twin soul is not as intense or extreme and they live in harmony.

This is the ideal type of soulmate that most people find, feeling like everything falls into place, they have everything on the same level but though they never feel that intensity as they would with the twin flame.

And I’m not talking that everything is a match made heaven or it’s not that they’re settling for less but they can live their life in peace as with twin flames there’s always that deep fiery intensity that draws them in a negative and positive direction at the same time.

Twin flames

This is part of the soulmate group but it is a very intense connection between two people. It’s one soul split into two and as many people try to seek out their twin flame many will not meet their twin flame in this lifetime. It’s about 50% chance that you will.

Many think this is the most powerful of the soulmate connection, all soulmates are equal. The twin flame connection is a certain type of soulmate that you just have one, where we have more than one soulmate that enter in our lives.

It’s truly a gift when you do meet your twin flame, but this can only happen when the both of you are ready spiritually to meet up and many times there are tests, trials and life lessons that are needed to be completed in order to merge the spiritual energy together.

You can find long lasting happiness with any type of soulmate, many times people are seeking out a specific type, like when will I meet my twin flame? Or is this person my twin flame?

When you do meet your twin flame you will know right away that with that person is in your life, no one will ever come close to that feeling you have with your twinflame, even many years later you will still feel that same flame burning in your heart for that person your twin flame.
In order to be ready you have to be strong and assertive in your heart, but it starts when the love is within.

Sometimes you have to go through a difficult journey with negativity before meeting your true soulmate, never blaming yourself or anyone for things that is happened to you. Always let it go and love yourself first.

Many times people are with a companion soulmate and this is a wonderful experience, but when their twin is on this earth and they are meant to meet up later in life, they will feel it deep in their heart  and they know that there is someone else out there, keeping their eyes open for their other half.

Once they do meet up with their twin flame their life completely changes and the life that they spend with their partner or spouse all those years completely changes.

Soulmates, karmic connections and twin flames are all part of our lives and we need to first love ourselves in order to attract true love.

It’s always best to follow your heart and meeting new people, many times people are sent to each other as steppingstones to help get you where you need to get in order to meet your soulmate, and have a long lasting relationship.

Even if you don’t feel that deep magnetic pull or spark for someone this person can help you grow and find your true inner spirit to find happiness with your soulmate.

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