Twin Flame Signs – Coming to a Divine Union
Twin Flames and Soulmates come into our lives to help us find our true path. We do have more than one Soulmate (but only one Twin Flame), Not all are Continue Reading →
Soulmates & Twin flames – Psychic Readings
Twin Flames and Soulmates come into our lives to help us find our true path. We do have more than one Soulmate (but only one Twin Flame), Not all are Continue Reading →
Venus goes into retrograde. This is planet that rules love, peace, beauty and harmony is in retrograde March 4,2017 – April 15,2017. You may ask what does Venus Retrograde mean? Just Continue Reading →
Spring forward is this weekend (Turn up the clocks one hour) and is going to be intensified with the full moon also known as the worm moon or a storm Continue Reading →
Runner and Chaser – Many people cannot understand the twin flame connection when they are running. You may ask “Why does someone run from someone when they have such a Continue Reading →