Twin flames: Dark night of Soul

Dark night of the soul is a sacred healing process for Twin flames

The dynamic energy changes with Twin flame Runner and chaser stages. When you first make contact with your Twin flame, something very magnetic and magical happens. You are face-to-face with your other half. Though you both may not know what to do next. Twin flames know that this intense energy that they feel is drawing them both closer together. It is that magnetic surge of energy that is pulling you both together. A beautiful and amazing feeling that you feel, although one Twin may not be able to understand why they are feeling so drawn to someone that they don’t really know. This causes them to run, because of fear. When they do, it creates pain and heartache to the chaser, But knowing in their heart that they must convince and let the runner know that they truly love them. This is how the runner and Chaser stages begin. These roles can actually be reversed and both twins can become runners. Why are twin flames running from each other? The problem with Twin flame Runner and Chasers is that they go through a series of transformations internally. Many times it comes from their ego and their fear of failure. Not allowing their love to carry them deeper. They have to love themselves in order to come into a divine union. Twin flames need to understand that there’s work that needs to be done on themselves in order to feel complete. Twin flame Runners are not happy with running away, they are lost and confused souls. Twin flame Chasers are always trying to correct and help the runner find their way, but this is part of their life lesson to get through these tests to fulfill their life lesson. Many times when your Twin flame runs without warning and you have no idea of the cost. In your mind you believe everything was perfect in your relationship and you did nothing wrong. Or maybe they have issues with committing, that the love is there but they cannot take it to the next level. There is a reason that all of this happened. This is a mirror of you both and it goes right back to ego-based energy. Showing you both that you both are not ready and that you need to work on yourselves. You are the mirror of each other and everything that you do for yourself, influences your Twin. If you’re feeling anxiety about the situation wondering what you did wrong or why they are so distant. You have to understand that it all comes to divine timing when twin flames are brought to a divine union. Twin Flames Awakening Not everyone will wake up at the same time spiritually. A spiritual awakening will happen at a time without expecting it. When we go through a spiritual awakening we will start to understand everything that was unclear. Wanting to take responsibility for everything that we have never done. Where the runner may be afraid and not ready to stand up for themselves. This causes them to run and fail to acknowledge their inner truth. Twin flame runner negativities The runner feels just as much pain as the chaser but tries to ignore it. They don’t know how to express what they feel so they just run from it but it’s never permanent. The twin flame runner chaser connection does come to an end and they both can come to our divine union. This is the time they both become stayers. This is not something that can be predicted, sometimes they will go through years being separated from their twin. Everyone’s situation is different and unique Soulmate and Twin flame Unions can never be predicted. We have to work on ourselves to correct karma. Developing our spiritual abilities (we all have them) and learning to truly love ourselves. In the meantime it is not meant to be unhappy waiting for your Twin flame to come to an awakening. We are sent people in our lives to help us complete our Soul purpose. We all have more than one soulmate, these are choices that only you can make when it comes to finding your true happiness. If you have a question you can submit the form below

Twin flames experience dark night with multiple obstacles prior to union.

During this time, their worlds will be thrown into chaotic energy. It is part of the transformation and this can create separation. It’s very intense for Soul connections.

Its amplified energy with light that is part of the soul’s ascension as they come to the divine union. There’s nothing scary about it, but it is a very empowering and beautiful experience. We all have many different types of soul connections. 

Divine Union is a very popular question when it comes to soulmates in twin flames. There’s so many questions and what their spiritual purpose is. This is something that may not be answered. Because of the life lessons they both endure during their divine union process. Twin flames and soulmates are part of the soulmate connection collective. Though we may have more than one soulmate, that play a different role in our lives. Twin flames you only have one. This is called the divine counterpart. They feel a dynamic energy pulling vibration, constantly compelling them to be with one another. This magnetic gaze into each others eyes is extremely intense. The energy is completely different and something that you have ever experienced. Even when they are apart, they will always feel one another especially when it comes to a Celestial event, such as a full moon, eclipses, mercury retrograde, Lions gateway portal and many others. Divine union You would think that this is a match made in heaven relationship with total bliss. Yes and no. It is the most beautiful intense relationship you will ever experience, but how to get there can be an experience that can be extremely painful. This is where the timing may be off from the physical. The timing was twin flames cannot be predicted final psychic or spiritualist. It is a time when they need to work on themselves energetically. Even if they are apart, they are still working on themselves simultaneously. How do they work on themselves? There are many different areas that they need to work on, not everyoneWill work on the same area in your life. Many times there is issues that have to be resolved and healing that is necessary to get through the pain by releasing and surrendering. It’s very common that ego can be a big factor. Many times causing a runner in chaser stages with the runner becoming almost narcissist. Opening up past wounds This is when they need to realize what is in their life that’s causing a distraction and preventing them from evolving spiritually. This is very important in order to come to the 5D with their twin flame. What is the divine purpose? Everyone is different as I mentioned. And everybody seems to be wanting to meet their twin, is this a good or a bad thing? Yes it is a very beautiful and most intense energy that two people can share. But it is also a very deep energy that sometimes may require a lot of work that can take years to resolve and heal. Everyone is different it’s best never to go searching for a specific type of soul connection but someone who is brought to you and who you were drawn to. There is a separation that happens before union. Although it’s very painful, the separation is part of the release and surrender as I mentioned. Understanding what is necessary to be released to gain strength and to help the greater good when they are together. In the beginning. Twin flames are faced with challenges, as they must overpower the negative in order to invite peace and love into their life. This may be a big struggle for many. They learn how to harmonize and come to a place where they can find one another as they heal. Twin flames can also connect telepathically with one another. So not everyone is able to hear the voices as a physical voice but actually as a feeling of energy. Defining this with your own thoughts, it is interpreted by you. Similar to the energy with channeling. Overall twin flames need to work on themselves in order to come in to Devon union. There is no way to find a specific time frame on when that is going to happen. Although many can guess, and some can be close, but it can never be exact. The best thing to do is stop searching for a timeframe and work on yourself on what you need to work on. Which is probably patients, something that is very common with many people. Once you master what you need to work on, you will see things a lot differently and become more spiritually in tune with your higher self.

When you meet your Twin flame you awaken. 

This is the awakening that causes the Runner and Chaser stages. The experience of spiritual transformation.

This is a period of their vision where they may also encounter extreme energy that wakes up old past wounds.

Dark night of the soul with Twin flames causes extreme upheavals in their lives. It’s all about releasing the ego. This is part of the transformation, as the soul awakens. This is all part of the healing that they must experience together.It’s a time that they need experience to successfully find union. It’s very similar to the eye of the storm.

This is part of rebirth. Don’t be afraid, it only causes you to be more resistant to the awakenings that you are about to encounter.Getting through the pain with the dark night of the soul.

This can feel extremely intense.

Many would think that they are going through a turbulent phase. But it was all part of the process with releasing and surrendering energies to get past it. 

This is a time to focus on self care and doing the things that make you uplifted and awaking. If you are feeling down and depressed, nothing can ever replace medical advice. By all means speak with the doctor just to rule out anything serious.

Starting a healthy diet and eating regimen can help with getting through the dark night of the soul. So that the process isn’t so brutal.The soul needs to grow because two souls need to be united as one. This is their soul’s purpose on earth.

Twin flames separation prior to divine union There is a separation between divine counterparts, (Soulmates and Twin flames). They must first work on themselves separately in order to purify their souls to come together as one. We have more than one Soulmate as many of you may already know that enter in our lifetimes. They are all unique and each one serves a divine purpose. Twin flames are very special and unique because they are mirroring one another’s soul. You only have one Twin flame. Karma connections sometimes can feel like a Twin flame. But very different as they’re sent to us to help us find our true purpose and lead us to our divine counterparts. The only way to find the truth if you are with your karmic is when you have actually found your true twin. The karmic will be completely out of your heart. Twin flames need to be in perfect alignment prior to the union. They need to release unnecessary energies, ego and examine their true purpose. Their lives will change completely and things will never be the same when you find your divine counterpart. Releasing old wounds, and emotional conflict can trigger feelings of sadness, hurt, pain, anger, and energies from the past. This is the main reason why the separation process is so necessary to help release these energies and find clarity inside themselves. When Twin flames find each other, it sometimes isn’t easy to release these issues. There is a deep intense amount of energy and emotional feelings that need to be purged away. Ego and emotional pride can create chaos, creating disagreements between Twin flames. They must first be ready to find harmony with one another. The best thing to do is not put any type of timeframe of when the union will happen. It is because they must work on themselves and everyone is different. You can’t put a label or timing on how long that is going to be. In many cases, it can take as little as two weeks to 10 years. It’s really impossible for time frames to be accurate when it comes to Twin flames. Whatever the situation is, it is all part of working on themselves to find a union with one another. There is a certain amount of pain, hurt, and a feeling that sometimes is unbearable emotionally. But this can change overnight once the ascension of the union begins. The separation process can be sometimes very difficult. The one thing you have to remember is that you cannot disconnect or sever the ties from your divine counterpart. Let go and surrender negativity, while focusing on positive thoughts, keeping an open mind. This is a new chapter that opens the doors for divine union. Awakening Twin flames can feel each other energetically. As they reach one another to their higher selves, they can see their blocks and anything that is hindering their union. Twin flames will always be compelled to one another as a magnet is to metal. This creates emotional surges of energy, especially when the ego gets in the way. Another reason for separation as they work on themselves and uncover their authentic selves. When union does happen, they will be able to activate the energy of the twin flames, to be together as one. Understanding each other for destiny to manifest. Twin flames have more work together. It’s not just about total bliss with living a beautiful life together as a couple. But it’s actually so much more. They are brought together in this life to help the greater good. They actually work together to find ways of making life better in the world. This is an extreme and most beautiful experience for Twin flames and divine counterparts. Though it may be very challenging in the beginning, it turns them both up into upgraded versions of themselves and living into the 5D frequency level together. Ego is a big factor when it comes to Twin flame union. No one wants to hear that they are wrong, or need to change things in their life. This is a simple reason why they must work on themselves separately to release and let go of blockages that are inhibiting them from coming into union. But as they finally work on themselves, Ego is automatically eliminated and healing begins. They face their own traumatic experiences and humble themselves, as they prepare for divine union. Twin flames are special and very unique as they continuously reciprocate telepathic communication to each other, becoming more efficient with the energies and in tune with interpreting the messages they are receiving. For a limited time, I’m offering one free question. This is one per person (just to be fair).

Twin flames get triggered by each other.

Especially if they are not ready for union. This will not happen overnight, awakening happens as you start to manifest your connection towards union. 

Trust and having faith in the process.It will help the dark night of the soul amplify the energy and release negativity. It is all part of the Twin flame journey

If you have a relationship situation and need help on, for a limited time I’m offering one Free question. Fill out the form below.

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