Mercury retrograde having an impacted on Twin flames.
This year mercury retrograde starts on January 30 and go until February 20, 2021. It will be in the sign of Aquarius.
The Shadow phase of mercury retrograde starts on January 15th. Because of Aquarius ruling collaborations, friendships. Also all technology, this is a time that will be a lot of slower energy in these areas. Brace yourself for any type of standstill and delays.
Mercury will be in retrograde with other signs in Aquarius at the same time. This will amplify the energy with partnerships and relationships. If you are having difficulties in your relationship. Especially if it’s a soul partnership such as a twin flame or soulmate. You may be feeling energy shifts more intense.
Mercury retrograde does not mean your love life is doomed.
Mercury retrograde can create drama when it comes to communication and discussions with love relationships.
You don’t have to be in astrology to understand the planets. It happens about 3 to 4 times a year. Mercury will pass through both the sun and the earth. Making it spin backward, and it usually lasts about three weeks.
It can create challenges for the Soulmate and Twin flame connections, but also for dating casually. This is not a good time for starting a new relationship or trying to end one.
It is an excellent time to reconcile or meet up with a past love flame. During the retrograde, we see a lot of divine unions and divine counterparts coming together.If there is a break up during retrograde, it’s not permanent.
Mainly Soulmate and Twin flames will reunite during mercury retrograde.
So if you’ve had a disagreement prior to the retrograde, it’s most likely that it will come together again during some part of the retrograde.
The shadow phase also has a big role when it comes to the union. The shadow phase will last two weeks prior and post any retrograde.
Making the best of the retrograde.
Not being afraid and giving the power to fear. Embracing what is in front of you and taking the retrograde head-on.
Mainly it’s about finishing up on all projects. Also cleaning out and clearing the clutter, things that you’ve been holding onto.
Mercury retrograde, a lot of old friends and family members from the past pop up.
Reconciling with your previous relationships and meeting up with toxic ones as well.
It’s mainly because it’s never been finished and needs closure. Ask yourself is time to end it completely if you have been involved in a relationship that has too much drama and never went anywhere.

Be careful with deep discussions with your divine counterpart, Soulmate, or Twin flame.
This can create a disagreement and even a break-up.
Picking up energy from your divine counterpart Soulmate or Twin flame
You will be able to telepathically communicate along with sending spiritual messages easier with meditation during a retrograde.
It’s the best time to get more into spirituality and work on yourself in order to reach your higher self.
You may have messages that need to be retrieved, it’s a good time to pay attention to the messages you are feeling.
Psychic energy is amplified during a retrograde.
That’s also an excellent time to get a reading to enhance your own spiritual abilities.
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awesome blog post so insightful!!!