Attract Love & Positive Energy with Affirmations

Every day we all experience and also create different spiritual types of energy.

Seeing the numbers 1111, 1:11 or 11:11, it’s not just a coincidence. When you are seeing these numbers pop up randomly, this is an indication of your higher self, giving you a message and nudging you to notice these numbers. What does 1111 mean? These are ascending angel numbers and it is a way to reassure us all that we are not alone, we have guidance. We are getting support on our divine Soulmate or twin flame journey. Most commonly, you will notice it when you are at a lowest point in your life, when you are going through changes and you may see other numbers such as 2222, 4444, and etc. These are your messages coming from above that you need to have faith in and to find out what you believe in your heart and focus on working on yourself. When you are involved in a twin flames separation, these angel ascending numbers will pop up almost everywhere, most commonly when you least expect it and look at the clock and there it is 111, 1111, 222, 2222 also 4444. 1111 represents an inner soul level and that there is more work that needs to be done on yourself. That you are also turning into your higher self, triggering of spiritual energy that will begin to change. It indicates manifestation and an opening to a new soul cycle that is about to begin. 1111 is about oneness and uniting with your other half, it’s symbolized by energy going up from twin flames coming into Divine Union. The date 11/11 is a very important part of the spiritual Journey with twin flames. This a very Spiritual and an important time to meditate in order to telepathically communicate with your divine partner. Because of this particular date, having an ascending number 1111 attracts spiritual energy. Twin flames are beginning to manifest, they both will see the numbers 1111, along with the other ascending angel numbers. This is giving them both indication that is something spiritually and energetically behind the scenes. 1111 also represents two worlds coming together as one. Along with the higher self and human soul, it’s all about balance and alignment with two souls becoming one. Meditation helps with aligning and activating your 7 chakras. When the 7 chakras are in an alignment, telepathic heart to heart communications can be expressed through meditation. It’s important to clear your energy and also shield yourself from negativity that you may pick up from others, this can be anyone and it’s best to try to avoid anyone who brings your vibration down. It’s important to keep yourself grounded and focus on yourself as you work on, alongside and simultaneously with your twin flame. Coming into a Divine Union is a very challenging experience. It’s always important to remember to follow your inner guidance and your higher self to help you along with your soul path. This is a very spiritual time for everyone as we prepared for Mercury retrograde and the end of Venus retrograde at the same time. There will be emotional and spiritual with a lot of energy flare ups that you may feel throughout this month and the next.

Energy affects how we feel and accomplish things throughout the day. These energies can become very intense and powerful. The goal is to bring in positive energy and attract it into our daily lives, it’s not as difficult as it may seem, I will help you with a few helpful tips to get you started.

Everything thing we say, our thoughts, the things we do,  all takes energy, this impacts you and everyone around you. The primary focus needs be on creating more positive spiritual energy, you will see many improvements and you will help others more than you ever thought possible, this is a true blessing.

Having positive energy is very contagious, the same goes for negativity, you need to be careful of not engaging in negative discussions, gossip and talking behind someone’s back. Constantly working on absorbing the positive from all your surroundings, will attract and bring positive energy in everything you do.

Happy and pleasant thoughts attract good events and situations in your life, bad thoughts will attract bad situations. The stronger your thoughts are, the stronger the emotions and especially in the matters of love. The key here is to first change your thought pattern, this will change everything in your life.

The more happy and at peace you feel, the more powerful energy  powers you bring in. Love is a very deep emotion try to spend time with your soulmate and loved ones.

Valentines day 2015 is approaching us in the next few weeks this can bring in a lot of deep emotional energy both happy and sad. If you are miles apart or going through something of separation or break up with your soulmate there can be sense of sadness especially when we are right in the middle of Mercury retrograde (it’s over before Valentines day). Try to do something to bring your spirits up focus on yourself, don’t let anything bring your energy down, keep saying these positive affirmations:

I love myself and I’m a wonderful person inside and out.

I accept everything in my life and have everything I need.

I appreciate myself and everything I have been blessed with

I can do anything, I will put my mind to it.

I will not waste my energy with negativity.

I will not let people pull me down.

I’m patient and will accomplish all my goals in time.

Saying these types of positive and loving affirmations will attract the positive in your life.

In order to allow positivity in your life, you will first need to release any negative feeling and energy you may be holding onto from your past, this is toxic in your life especially if there is a grudge against someone from your past, you need to let go and allow the God to take control.

If you would like to learn more about bringing in positive energy and about Psychic readings click here.

10 Replies to “Attract Love & Positive Energy with Affirmations”

  1. Pingback: Finding your Soulmate or Twinflame - Soulmates

  2. Pingback: Mercury Retrograde effecting Soulmate Reunions - Soulmates

  3. Pingback: How to Find your Soulmate or Twin flame - Divine Union

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