Spiritual Full Moon Eclipse – How will it affect your Relationship?

Full Moon Eclipse in Pisces It will also be a lunar eclipse, but only be seen in certain parts of the world. The Energy is intense and will be felt Continue Reading →

Full Moon Having an Intense Impact on Soulmates

There is a full moon in Aquarius. That will have a very powerful and spiritual impact on everyone in different ways because of the cycle that is clearing out old Continue Reading →

Powerful Summer Solstice – Increasing Soulmate Energy

When summer solstice comes around it isn’t rare or is the full moon every month. But this time they are both are on the same day that makes this  a Continue Reading →

Powerful Spiritual Energy for Soulmates and Twin flames REUNION

Powerful spiritual energy is ahead of us for the spring and Summer and it’s good to be aware of all these different planetary influences are occurring now, that may create some Continue Reading →