Attracting Love with Affirmations To Bring Soulmates-Twin Flames Together

Affirmations and attracting the love energy go together hand-in-hand. They help with attracting and bringing back positive energy with attracting true love in your life. Especially when you are having Continue Reading →

Summer Solstice – Increasing Soulmate Twin flame Energy of Love

Solstice of summer happens on June 21 2017. This is the longest day of the year with the shortest night. It’s an official summer season for the northern hemisphere. It Continue Reading →

When You Meet Your Soulmate -Twin Flame at The Wrong Time?

A Soulmate can enter in your life unexpectedly. Although you do have more than one, not all are the same. Many times they enter in her life for a brief Continue Reading →

Why Do Twin Flame Runners Run?

The dynamic energy changes with Twin flame Runner and chaser stages. When you first make contact with your Twin flame, something very magnetic and magical happens. You are face-to-face with your Continue Reading →