1:11 111 11 – The True Meaning Behind Soulmates and Twin flames

111, 1:11, 11:11, 11s are all Twin flame spiritual and powerful numbers. 1111s are messages from the universe telling you that you need to stay on this path in your Continue Reading →

Manifest Love with Positive Energy & Healing for the New Year

Happy New Year! It’s that time of the year again, a time for spiritual healing, reflect, and celebrate! The new year ending is actually a new beginning it’s about reflecting Continue Reading →

Winter Solstice – Rebirth of Light – Awakening with Love & Soulmates

Winter Solstice happens on December 21 – 22 in the Northern Hemisphere also on June 20 – 21 in the Southern Hemisphere. The Winter solstice is one of the most amazing Continue Reading →