My story of the Twinflame Runner and Chaser Phase

This is my Story of being in the Twin flame Runner and Chaser phase. Many of you have been asking me many questions on what I went though my twin, Continue Reading →

Soulmate – Twinflame Energy Connection 2016

Many people in this world think that you can have only one Soulmate, they will spend their whole life searching for he/she. You have more than one Soulmate that incarnates Continue Reading →

Spring Equinox is The Renewal Time For Soulmates & Twin flames

The spring equinox opens the energies between both our physical and our spiritual world for a complete renewal in our lives to emerge. The key word of Spring is creation. Continue Reading →

Twin flames & Soulmates Connecting and Reuniting

The process of Twin flames and Soulmates connecting is endless.  Twin flames also can also feel and communicate with each other through visions and in a meditational state. Soulmates and twinflames Continue Reading →