Soulmate & Twinflame – The Healing process

Many People today have found their soulmate or twinflame, but yet many are still waiting. The desire becomes a thirst for deep love, and even completeness with someone. It’s best Continue Reading →

Twinflame – Can You Cut The Ties?

I’ve received many inquiries about cutting the ties and breaking the soul bond with Twinflames. The many who have tried to break this bond were unsuccessful. As difficult and as painful Continue Reading →

How Mercury Retrograde effects Soulmates

Mercury Retrograde is back!  May 18 until June 11, 2015 This one lasts for about 3 weeks, but there is a shadow phase of two weeks before and after the Continue Reading →

When Twinflames Separate – Runner & Chaser

I have had many questions since I wrote the post “Twinflames Runner and Chaser explained“ Many of you are wanting to know what signs can you expect from the Universe Continue Reading →