Twinflames – Runner and Chaser Explained!

The Definition of the Runner and Chaser in Twinflame connections. By Ann Elizabeth The original soulmate connection. We can connect happily and comfortably to that person. With very little effort, (not like Continue Reading →

How to Find your Soulmate or Twin flame – Divine Union

Many of you have written me over last few months on what to expect with a Divine Soulmate, Twinflame or Twin Ray connection, in this article. I will explain the Continue Reading →

Spring Equinox – Solar Eclipse – Supermoon

A rare event takes place this month, that makes march a very spiritual month. Spring starts, nature awakens bringing in a fresh new light with the Spring equinox, total Solar Continue Reading →

It’s Time for A Psychic Spring Cleaning

Spring Equinox is almost here March 20 2015. Everyone starts to spring clean this time of the year, making our homes clean, fresh, calmer, luckier and filled positive energy (as Continue Reading →