Eclipse Season and Mercury

An Intense and powerful energy shift is about to happen for all divine soul connections (Soulmates and Twin flames).
Everyone has heard of Mercury retrograde, it will start on July 7th until August 2nd, 2019. This happens a few times a year and usually lasts around three weeks, it’s when mercury appears to be moving backward, creating delays and has a lot to do with all new business, communication along with traveling.
As I’ve mentioned many times in my previous articles, this applies only to something new that you may be about to do. Not if it was something that you were planned and I’ve done it before.
For instance, if you’re upgrading your previous phone for the newest latest model, you should be fine because of the fact that you’ve already owned a phone and this is not your first time using one.
On the other hand, buying a completely new device that you have never had can create some complications. Hope you got the idea.
Many times it could make us feel as if we are going in circles, but actually, it’s something you can use for your highest good.
Finishing all projects and things that have been sitting. I always look forward to mercury retrograde, I plan to finish projects that I can finally complete.

Relationships in separation can benefit from the retrograde
When it comes to love, this can actually benefit in many ways (if you are currently at a standstill with the relationship or someone who is apart).
Mercury retrogrades are the times when Soulmates and Twin flames come to a Union. Finding that old flames and people who have been apart for many years come back.
Every Mercury retrograde, there is a union with thousands of love relationships.

Mercury retrograde creates challenges.
When you’re involved in a relationship, this can also create miscommunication. Creating arguments and disagreements. It will be going into Leo that will bring energy with Power and Ego.
Breakups can happen during Mercury retrograde because things are going a little haywire.
There can be setbacks especially with both feeling that they’re right and no one giving in.
It’s important to know that sometimes the truth can come out but it can also come out in a very negative way, instead of explaining yourself you may be triggering off something inside of you or your divine soul partner.

Once the retrograde resume forward, everything slowly comes back to normal?
Yes and no, there are so many things about to shift energetically with Eclipse season and Lionsgate portal that will happen in August.
This is a very powerful intense Summer/Winter months, Soulmates and TwinFlames can live nostalgic emotions and memories.
When we have a connection energetically as we do with many different Soul partners, it can trigger off a very magical and spiritual time. This comes from previous lives as well as the current one.
This is mainly the reason why we see Soulmates and Twin flames come into a full union during Mercury retrograde.

There is igniting energy with Mercury retrograde and Twin flames.
You may see the signs come up more than ever along with 1111 repeating itself. These numbers may come up in random places that we would never expect.
Or something would just make you look at the clock or phone and you will see 1111.
Summer Eclipse season
We’ve been hearing this quite often but what does that exactly mean for love, including Soulmates and Twin flames?
Eclipse season began on the Summer Solstice on June 21st. As it began, the first eclipse starts with the new moon in Cancer on July 2nd.
Following a Lunar eclipse with the full moon in Capricorn on July 16th. It doesn’t matter if you can see these Eclipses or not, they are still in our Atmosphere, even if they are far away from us. You will be able to feel them energetically.
Both in the same month paired with Mercury retrograde. These spiritual events will affect us energetically when it comes to spiritual and love connections.
An Eclipse is very intense energetically. It helps to shift to a different energy within ourselves.
Every time there is an Eclipse, something spiritual and magical is about to happen with your divine soul partner.
This is the time to do the inner work to connect with your higher self. Eclipses create energetic shifts, opening up a portal to help find your true center and connect with your divine partner.
It can get worst before it can get better.
Remember because there is something energetically going on between you and your divine partner, you may be feeling triggered and being brought back to something that you thought was completely healed.
There is more work that needs to be done on yourself and your higher self is helping you to find it. Before the beginning can start, it’s the ending that creates the stress.
Starting all over again to something very beautiful, you must first release and surrender the unnecessary and negativity that do not have any purpose in your life.
This is a very important time to be on top of self-care for yourself and focusing on you. Make sure that you were getting plenty of sleep, eating clean and healthy is very important during this time, also drinking lots of water during the Summer months.
I highly recommend getting out into Nature. Meditation helps with connecting to your higher self, in mind, body, and spirit. Ask your higher self what is necessary for you to get done during this Eclipse season. You will be surprised with the messages that you will receive during this time.
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