Full moon in Libra will always have an effect on everyone in some type of way.

This particular worm Full moon represents the Energy with the equinox. It happens on March 28, 2021.
Psychic and spiritual energy is amplified. It will especially have a great impact and powerful influence on Soulmates and Twin flames.
Keeping in mind that this is a time to release any emotional baggage or feelings of fear and stress that you may have accumulated. In return to inviting new beginnings and changes, you must release and let go in order to start over.
A new moon represents setting intentions and a full moon represents releasing. Keeping the lunar cycle will help amplify Soul connections and understand the energies that accompany these dynamic relationships. It will be in the sign of Libra (love beautiful and harmony)

The worm moon is a time to clear away past negativities and focus on positivity.
Now that we are in Spring, it’s an excellent time to start planting your seeds and set new goals.
This full moon is packed with opportunities and changes.
In a divine counterpart relationship, it can be an extremely intense feeling, as the energy is much higher than in any other type of Soul connection. This includes Soulmates and Twin flames.
Being aware that many relationships and romantic couples go through a very intense cycle during this time. It’s a time to let go of certain negativity. This many times can awaken past old wounds that need to be healed.
During this time it’s best to avoid any deep discussions that can lead to an argument with somebody close to you. Reflecting more on the current area that may need your attention instead of digging deep into something from the past.
The worm full moon is a very emotional moon that can bring a feeling of sadness along with intensity with happiness all at the same time. You may also experience a feeling that your moods change. Being aware that you can be triggered and stirred up what’s the smallest thing. Being mindful with your friends and family is the key. It is a great time to reestablish and focus on your goals.
Seeking spiritual guidance with a psychic reading or energy healing can help learn the truth and understanding of life situations. Also, the ideal time to meditate in prayer with letting go and using a quartz crystal.
During a full moon, always give gratitude in order to ignite a higher vibration frequency into your life, loving yourself and everyone close to you.
Always know that you have so much love to give and receive. Always focus on the positive as you release and surrender during a full moon.
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Thanks Ann. Me and my counterpart are really wanting this all to end and never happen again. I know and understand that its not anyone’s fault. Im healing and cleansing all day( cleansing us both). Its a true tf connection and we both know it. Im highly connected with his higher self and he’s helping me alot as i am him. That is part of our soul contract to help each other and we both desire a new beginning. My twin in the 3d is still always by myside too even through the ruckus. Im still grateful for him and i love him. I truly love him and i let him know on all levels that i will never leave him and i encourage him to go within as well. He actually told me about our soul connection before i even knew. He now studies twn flames and understands that i study it and we both know that we are meant for each other. Just healing insecurity and karmic people from our life which is what we are doing. Thanks ann