Mercury retrograde affecting twin flames & Soulmates

Mercury retrograde having an impacted on Twin flames.

Mercury retrograde will start on January 30 and go until February 20, 2021. It will be in the sign of Aquarius.  The Shadow phase of mercury retrograde starts on January 15th. Because of Aquarius ruling collaborations, friendships, and all technology, this is a time that will be a lot of slower energy in these areas. Brace yourself for any type of standstill and delays.  Mercury will be in retrograde with other signs in Aquarius at the same time. This will amplify the energy with partnerships and relationships. If you are having difficulties in your relationship, especially if it’s a soul partnership such as a twin flame or soulmate. You may be feeling energy shifts more intense.  Mercury retrograde does not mean your love life is doomed. Mercury retrograde can create drama when it comes to communication and discussions with love relationships.  You don’t have to be in astrology to understand the planets. It happens about 3 to 4 times a year. Mercury will pass through both the sun and the earth. Making it spin backward, and it usually lasts about three weeks.  I can create challenges for the Soulmate and Twin flame connections, but also for dating casually. This is not a good time for starting a new relationship or trying to end one.  It is an excellent time to reconcile or meet up with a past love flame. During the retrograde, we see a lot of divine unions and divine counterparts coming together. If there is a break up during retrograde, it’s not permanent. Mainly Soulmate and Twin flames will reunite during the retrograde. So if you’ve had a disagreement prior to the retrograde, it’s most likely that it will come together again during some part of the retrograde.  The shadow phase also has a big role when it comes to the union. The shadow phase will last two weeks prior and post any retrograde.  Making the best of the retrograde.  Not being afraid and giving the power to fear. Embracing what is in front of you and taking the retrograde head-on. Mainly it’s about finishing up on all projects. Also cleaning out and clearing the clutter, things that you’ve been holding onto.  In Mercury retrograde, a lot of old friends and family members from the past pop up. Reconciling with your previous relationships and meeting up with toxic ones as well.  It’s mainly because it’s never been finished and needs closure. It is time to end it completely if you have been involved in a relationship that has too much drama and never went anywhere.  Be careful with deep discussions with your divine counterpart, Soulmate, or Twin flame. This can create a disagreement and even a break-up.  Picking up energy from your divine counterpart Soulmate or Twin flame  He will be able to telepathically communicate along with sending spiritual messages easier with meditation during a retrograde. It’s the best time to get more into spirituality and work on yourself in order to reach your higher self. You may have messages that need to be retrieved, it’s a good time to pay attention to the messages you are feeling.  Psychic energy is amplified during a retrograde.  That’s also an excellent time to get a reading to enhance your own spiritual abilities.

This year mercury retrograde starts on January 30 and go until February 20, 2021. It will be in the sign of Aquarius.

The Shadow phase of mercury retrograde starts on January 15th. Because of Aquarius ruling collaborations, friendships. Also all technology, this is a time that will be a lot of slower energy in these areas. Brace yourself for any type of standstill and delays.

Mercury will be in retrograde with other signs in Aquarius at the same time. This will amplify the energy with partnerships and relationships. If you are having difficulties in your relationship. Especially if it’s a soul partnership such as a twin flame or soulmate. You may be feeling energy shifts more intense.

Mercury retrograde will start on January 30 and go until February 20, 2021. It will be in the sign of Aquarius.  The Shadow phase of mercury retrograde starts on January 15th. Because of Aquarius ruling collaborations, friendships, and all technology, this is a time that will be a lot of slower energy in these areas. Brace yourself for any type of standstill and delays.  Mercury will be in retrograde with other signs in Aquarius at the same time. This will amplify the energy with partnerships and relationships. If you are having difficulties in your relationship, especially if it’s a soul partnership such as a twin flame or soulmate. You may be feeling energy shifts more intense.  Mercury retrograde does not mean your love life is doomed. Mercury retrograde can create drama when it comes to communication and discussions with love relationships.  You don’t have to be in astrology to understand the planets. It happens about 3 to 4 times a year. Mercury will pass through both the sun and the earth. Making it spin backward, and it usually lasts about three weeks.  I can create challenges for the Soulmate and Twin flame connections, but also for dating casually. This is not a good time for starting a new relationship or trying to end one.  It is an excellent time to reconcile or meet up with a past love flame. During the retrograde, we see a lot of divine unions and divine counterparts coming together. If there is a break up during retrograde, it’s not permanent. Mainly Soulmate and Twin flames will reunite during the retrograde. So if you’ve had a disagreement prior to the retrograde, it’s most likely that it will come together again during some part of the retrograde.  The shadow phase also has a big role when it comes to the union. The shadow phase will last two weeks prior and post any retrograde.  Making the best of the retrograde.  Not being afraid and giving the power to fear. Embracing what is in front of you and taking the retrograde head-on. Mainly it’s about finishing up on all projects. Also cleaning out and clearing the clutter, things that you’ve been holding onto.  In Mercury retrograde, a lot of old friends and family members from the past pop up. Reconciling with your previous relationships and meeting up with toxic ones as well.  It’s mainly because it’s never been finished and needs closure. It is time to end it completely if you have been involved in a relationship that has too much drama and never went anywhere.  Be careful with deep discussions with your divine counterpart, Soulmate, or Twin flame. This can create a disagreement and even a break-up.  Picking up energy from your divine counterpart Soulmate or Twin flame  He will be able to telepathically communicate along with sending spiritual messages easier with meditation during a retrograde. It’s the best time to get more into spirituality and work on yourself in order to reach your higher self. You may have messages that need to be retrieved, it’s a good time to pay attention to the messages you are feeling.  Psychic energy is amplified during a retrograde.  That’s also an excellent time to get a reading to enhance your own spiritual abilities.

Mercury retrograde does not mean your love life is doomed.

Mercury retrograde can create drama when it comes to communication and discussions with love relationships.

You don’t have to be in astrology to understand the planets. It happens about 3 to 4 times a year. Mercury will pass through both the sun and the earth. Making it spin backward, and it usually lasts about three weeks.

It can create challenges for the Soulmate and Twin flame connections, but also for dating casually. This is not a good time for starting a new relationship or trying to end one.

It is an excellent time to reconcile or meet up with a past love flame. During the retrograde, we see a lot of divine unions and divine counterparts coming together.If there is a break up during retrograde, it’s not permanent.

Twin flame 5D awakening prior to divine union. There is an awakening that occurs prior to the divine union for both Twin flames and Soulmate connections. They go through a soul journey by meeting different types of spiritual connections prior to meeting their divine counterpart, many times finding certain types of soul connections such as karmic connections to help them open up their inner child and find their inner truth. This has been called in the past a false Twin. But in reality, it does not exist. There are extreme energies just as a Twin flame, but it usually involves a lot of drama and sometimes toxic energy. Very different from what the Twin flame connection represents, this is all part of the process of finding their divine counterpart. Karmic connections can include energy with feeling very low self-esteem and self-worth. There can be a codependent issue along with addiction. You may be involved or your Twin may be involved in a karmic relationship. Either way, this is all part of the release and surrender that they need to experience in order to recognize and understand their soul journey. Karmic connections are not permanent, they are connections that are preparing for union with your divine counterpart and it is needed to clear emotional blocks in order to connect to the higher self. Twin flames have a very powerful energetic force when they first meet up. This is amplifying and opening them both energetically, preparing for union. Looking into their twin‘s reflection of themselves, Twin flames find themselves loving unconditionally, reaching ultimately into the 5D level. How Twin flames connect and reach one another is unique. No two Twin flame couples are alike, they all have their own way of connecting and finding divine union. However, they all do share the same type of clearing blocks and during this process, they first must release old past wounds, anger, jealousy, and grief, and anything that no longer serves a purpose. Working separately on themselves. Twin flames need to work on themselves separately. As they both go through a soul process with releasing, surrendering, and letting go of anything internally that is conflicting with their energy from moving forward. This is all part of the soul merge and learning how to love unconditionally. They have been preparing for this union their whole life. They may have experienced past history of complicated relationships with drama and even toxic energy. But these are all part of the soul lessons they needed in order to grow and evolve spiritually. When you first meet your Twin, there is an amazing energetic feeling that happens. You instantly awaken to a higher light and things all seem to make sense. You see things much clearer and understand why you went through the things you did. They may have experienced a past history of complicated relationships with drama and even toxic energy. But these are all part of the soul lessons they needed to grow and evolve spiritually. When you first meet your Twin, there is an amazing energetic feeling that happens. You instantly awaken to a higher light and things all seem to make sense. You see things much clearer and understand why you went through the things you did. Many Twins are not ready for the union. And this is all part of the preparation as they work on themselves. They must find themselves energetically clear to start moving forward. Challenging times Releasing internal conflict might be a challenging time for many. And separation can be brutally painful. But if you’re truly searching for internal peace and love, you must first let go of control and release ego, many times this can be the culprit and inhibiting you from finding your true authentic self. This may not be pleasant to hear for many, but it is true. Focusing on yourself and always having a positive outlook. As the process can be painful, it can also awaken many things in your life. There are many perks with awakening to your soul center, not only coming closer into the divine union but realizing things that you’ve not seen or felt in the past. This is all the divine process you both connect to help the greater good.

Mainly Soulmate and Twin flames will reunite during mercury retrograde.

So if you’ve had a disagreement prior to the retrograde, it’s most likely that it will come together again during some part of the retrograde.

The shadow phase also has a big role when it comes to the union. The shadow phase will last two weeks prior and post any retrograde.
Making the best of the retrograde.

Not being afraid and giving the power to fear. Embracing what is in front of you and taking the retrograde head-on.

Mainly it’s about finishing up on all projects. Also cleaning out and clearing the clutter, things that you’ve been holding onto.

Mercury retrograde, a lot of old friends and family members from the past pop up.

Reconciling with your previous relationships and meeting up with toxic ones as well.

It’s mainly because it’s never been finished and needs closure. Ask yourself is time to end it completely if you have been involved in a relationship that has too much drama and never went anywhere.

Mercury retrograde is back! This time it starts on June 2nd and goes in total retrograde on June 17th, then ends on July 20th, but then there is post shadow that ends on July 26th, 2020. Mercury retrograde happens 3 to 4 times a year as Mercury passes through Earth and Sun, then spinning backwards. It typically lasts between 2 to 3 weeks. This energy can be felt prior to and post-Mercury retrograde. We are also in the middle of the retrograde season. Saturn, Venus and Jupiter are currently in retrograde. It’s going to be an intense and emotional time for divine counterparts (Soulmates and Twin flames). Mercury retrograde will be in Cancer, along with a solar eclipse in Cancer and the Summer solstice all in one week. What does it mean for Love? This is a time to avoid any deep conversations with your partner. You will find yourself having a misunderstanding no matter how peaceful the conversation may be. There’s a high level of a mutual misunderstanding that you want to avoid. Try to put it off at least until the retrograde is over, unless there are some things that you have been wanting to see have been putting it off. This is the ideal time to speak your inner truth. You’ve heard it many times, this is not the ideal time to start something brand new or sign a new business contract of any kind or buying expensive gadgets. But unless these things have been put off for a later date, or it is something that you’ve done before. Mercury retrograde can actually work for you and in your favor when you complete certain projects and business transactions. Rule of thumb is that when Mercury goes into retrograde, sometimes things can go backward and it can create a delay or prolonged energy. The truth is always brought out during Mercury retrograde. Many times it is a blessing in disguise when old flames and past love relationships come back. It’s a very common time for relationships that have been broken apart or in separation to come into union. Especially when it has to do with Soulmate or Twin flame. The Spiritual energy with all the retrogrades energy is very high causing a lot of emotions to be stirred up and brought back together. You may notice your energy level with my partner is much more heightened during this past month. The retrograde in Cancer can stir up emotional energy bringing things up from the past and opening up past wounds. Try to be grounded during this time. This is an ideal time to explore ideas and passions. This is also an excellent time to detox your spiritual energy. Self-care and getting more in tune with spirituality is the key to getting through the downfalls of Mercury retrograde. As emotional energy runs high, it’s a good time to give or get a psychic reading, Reiki treatment, focus on meditation to uplift your spirit, and raise your vibrations. Getting old projects is ideal at this time. I’m always marking on my calendar the next retrograde so I can get my old projects completed. Cleaning out the clutter, donating things that you no longer use, clear space, and making room for new things and new beginnings!

Be careful with deep discussions with your divine counterpart, Soulmate, or Twin flame.

This can create a disagreement and even a break-up.
Picking up energy from your divine counterpart Soulmate or Twin flame

You will be able to telepathically communicate along with sending spiritual messages easier with meditation during a retrograde.

It’s the best time to get more into spirituality and work on yourself in order to reach your higher self.

You may have messages that need to be retrieved, it’s a good time to pay attention to the messages you are feeling.

Psychic energy is amplified during a retrograde.
That’s also an excellent time to get a reading to enhance your own spiritual abilities.

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