Mercury Retrograde is back! August 4 – 27 2024.

You may have heard how Mercury retrograde makes everything go haywire, especially with love relationships.
Even if you’re not into Astrology or understand the planets completely.
About 3 to 4 times a year, Mercury retrograde passes through the Earth, causing it to spin backwards. The retrograde typically lasts around three weeks.
The influence goes into a shadow effect 2 weeks prior and 2 weeks after the retrograde.
This time the retrograde goes into intuitive Virgo, which is the most practical Sign of the Zodiac. Creating spiritual and intuitive energy to be amplified on higher frequencies.
With Mercury retrograde, it’s very difficult to find a peaceful conversation with your divine Soulmate or loved one.
It is highly recommended that you don’t get into any deep discussions or conversations during the retrograde.

Trying to keep the peace is best during the retrograde.
Otherwise you will find yourself in a misunderstanding and many times saying the wrong things and later, regretting everything that was brought up.
When you have something to say, try to preserve it and wait until the retrograde is completely over. This is the time to listen, communicate with caution.
For Signing any contract or making an important decision that is brand new, it is highly recommended that you wait until after the retrograde. Along with buying any brand new electronic gadgets, but this only applies if you have never owned a phone or any electronics, computers or gadgets.
Also something that you haven’t done before, it is best to wait. Mercury retrograde and Virgo is a Divination time of energy cleansing and bringing up the subconscious truth with love and relationships.
During Mercury retrograde, old friends, flames, Soulmates and Twin flames getting together.
Reconciling meeting up, and getting back together is extremely common as well as forming a commitment.
This is the simple fact because it was never finished and it was always pending. Twin flames and separated couples will mark their calendars waiting for their divine partner to reappear and hopefully ready for a divine union. Mercury retrograde is a time for completion when it comes to relationships, when something has been left unfinished, the retrograde can bring Twin flames back together.
You may also meet up with old friends that you haven’t seen in a long time. Mercury retrograde is a blessing in disguise for all the divine Soulmates and Twin flame relationships.
Mercury retrograde can create disagreements and break ups.
These are temporary separations and are not permanent. They do not last because of the retrograde creating miscommunication. Mercury retrograde in Virgo is a time of rejuvenation and rest. Virgo is ruled by the planet Virgo which intensifies they enegry.
You may be picking up energy from your divine Soulmate or Twin flame more so during this retrograde.
You can also telepathically communicate and send messages effortlessly and easily through meditation. This is also an ideal time to get in tune with your spirituality, focusing on working on yourself along with reaching your higher self.
Psychic energy during Mercury retrograde is heightened and amplified. The best time for readings.
It’s not a time to move forward during the retrograde but making those plans and setting up your itinerary for the upcoming season. This is the best time for you to explore your passion and ideas for the upcoming season.
Anything that you have not completed, this is a time to get back to it. Mercury retrograde gives us an opportunity to get those projects done and many times achieve a goal. Mercury retrograde and Virgo are a very challenging time when it comes to Soulmate and Twin flame connections.
Just be prepared and know that you can get through this, as long as you are aware of the Astrological influence and effects that it brings each time Mercury goes into retrograde.
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