You ask if a divine partner could be a soulmate, twin flame, twin ray, or karmic?
Differences with Soulmates, Twin flames or Karmic relationships.
These are the commonly questions asked that I receive on a daily basis. There is also another very popular question and debate on how to know if it is a false twin or true twin flame?
There are many different articles and information you can find explaining the differences and if they ever come together. The fact is no one knows anything at 100%.
The fact is that we are always all reaching our higher selves to meet with our divine partner and it doesn’t matter if you are in Union or not.
I just want to clarify a few things to help those who are working on themselves to come into Union or perfect their divine union.

The first thing I will say is that there is no such thing of the false twin.
.We sometimes will mistake a karmic for the twin because they are intense connections. Also, karmic connections don’t usually last a long time.
They can be in a person’s life for a little while. This is to help them learn more on how to grow and correct the things in their lives in order to be with their true divine soul connection.
Karmics can drain your Spirit; many will call these energy vampires. You will always feel those compelling feelings to make things work, even though it may feel hopeless, and the passion is gone, and if something emotionally isn’t quite right.

Twin flames have a similar effect when they are in the runner and chaser phases.
This is why the confusion between what is called the false twin and a true twin.
Twin flames will have challenges and difficulties within their union process.
They do go through the separation, they work on themselves together.
Karmic energies can mimic twin flame connections, but there is a difference. When their soul contract or lesson has been learned and achieved. They are freed from one another and ties are cut. There is, at the time, a sense of closure and a feeling of release.
Karmic energy is very difficult to live with.
Although they can be a romantic partner, there’s a lot of karmic ties that need to be met before they can find harmony. But is not permanent and eventually, they will part ways. They are sent to us to grow and prepare for the union with our eternal soul connection.
Do we have more than one karmic?
The answer is yes and karmic connections come and go, but they are not meant to linger on for a long time in our lives.
These people can be relationships that were in your past and they will remain in your past permanently.
They created an energy of hurt and drama which you cannot go back as a karmic connection.
With a twin flame, although they may cut off drastically, there’s always that magnetic pole that tries to pull them both together. No matter what their situation was.
You will have complete closure when it comes to a karmic disconnection and of a soul contract.
How do I know if this is a twin or false twin?
As I mentioned, there really is no category for a false twin flame; only karmic connections would fall in the category of a false twin flame. It’s whatever you want to label it, but there really is no such thing of a false twin.

There is only one true twin flame.
It may be a difficult journey and a complicated one, but it is the most for filling and bliss energy you can feel.
Twin flames along with karmic connections can have a narcissist behavior pattern, the two can become totally different.
Nobody wants to be with their own narcissist. But many times, our divine partner leans towards this behavior pattern. We see it more and more lately, because of the mask or whatever they try to hide from; they reflect a narcissist stages behavior.
You ask is this a true narcissist?
The answer is yes and no. Although you can’t ignore the behavior, they are not truly a narcissist. They can go back-and-forth with behaving this way, but because of the soulbond, they shield themselves with narcissist energy.
Especially when your twin is not ready for a union. This can trigger old wounds inside both of you, creating a very powerful and intense emotional energy that pulls negativity and drama.

Twin flames, the most mind-blowing love that you will ever experience?
Yes and no, although it is a very beautiful and intense energy you could have with someone, not everyone will meet their twin in this lifetime. You can still experience a mind-blowing love with your divine soulmate.
It’s never good to search out and seek a certain type or category of the soul collection that is ideal for you.
Twin flames on a soul journey will see a series of signs. This will direct them in the right direction. These are synchronicities that are constantly merging them into a union.

An awakening happens!
As they both come together, there is an awakening that happens for both souls, as they start to realize that magnetic force, it triggers off fear, doubt and many times and emotional pain that they run from.
This is the main reason why they need to work on themselves to release these old wounds and baggage that are accumulated with ego.
This is all part of the soul energy process to prepare you both into a union. The karmic connection can be very intense but many times, it is a toxic energy that you may feel.
This happens when there is so much to be released and purged between you both.Twin flames can also bring out this intense energy as well, but as they find a way to get past the drama in the heart, there is no way that anything or anyone can separate or pull them apart.
Meeting various Soulmate Connections are part of our lives and we have more than one. They can be romantic or not, they have more of a comparable type of energy that you feel a light ignite inside of you.

You may ask why would I want to be with my twin flame if I can have this beautiful feeling with my soulmate?
Exactly! This is why it’s never good to go out searching for a specific type as I’ve mentioned before. By doing this, you are preventing yourself from finding your eternal soul connection.
We all have destiny pre-planned for our lives in this lifetime. Do we have free will? We can’t choose who the ideal divine soul love partner is.
We can choose how we want our lives to be directed, but when there’s that energetic fall that you have with someone, there is no way that you will be able to resist the feeling or the connection.
Trust your soul center. You know the truth.
You can feel it deep inside your core, no one can tell you any different. Many times when there is even separation, the emotional pain is so intense that you want it to be over.
Trying to cut ties will not work. It’s all part of a divine process that has to come through in order for you both to heal and release whatever it is that does not serve a purpose in your lives.
Follow what your heart center it is telling you. Don’t try to put so much emphasis on when and how it will come together, just that it is a divine process. Focus on the love and light inside your heart.
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