The spiritual awakening that happens prior to divine union.
The ultimate goal for divine partners is union.

Prior to an awakening happening, there is a difficult soul process that they both go through.
The soul journey does not happen overnight. It can involve several years with painful and agonizing emotions. They may be forced to be with karmic connections along with toxic relationships.
This is often called the false Twin flame. But it is actually a karmic connection. Most of us must experience these types of relationships in order to grow and get past the negativity that we harbor.
The karmic relationships can bring low self-esteem and insecurities. Many times with addictions along with obsessions that can trigger past wounds.

Karmic connections are preparing one of them to open up and release what is necessary to purify their own soul center.
Twin flames will bring an energetic force as they awake. The reflection of meeting their twin can open themselves to who they truly are.
Bringing them closer to their higher self and finding the love they need unconditionally with themselves.
But when they are not ready, there will be a purge reaction.
Many times with the Runner and Chaser phases, creating distance and separation.

Twin flame connections are sacred.
But this is a pattern that happens with all divine Soulmates and not just with Twin flames.
During this whole process, you will have to dig deeper into your soul to find peace.
By releasing guilt, shame and abandonment issues, this can trigger old wounds.
The reason for this shift is the awakening process that must come through, but prior to that all negativity must be released.
This will help both of them to be sent to a 5D level. Seeing one another in a cosmic Starseed.
As they work on themselves, they will automatically be brought back when they are both ready. As they both learn how to let go of internal conflict.

They are finding their true authentic self in order to come to divine union.
This is part of their soul purpose in order to merge as one soul.
Their whole entire life is about preparing for the union with their divine Soulmate, before they find each other.
They must go through trials and tests which may include negative toxic relationships.
This is part of their learning process and in order for them to evolve.
After meeting their divine Soul mate, the awakening begins and things will become more parent as it makes sense of why they went through the things in their past and where to find their serenity with each other.
This is all preparation that is necessary prior to the Union.
Challenging stages to surrender.
You’ve heard it before, letting go of emotional conflict and moving forward.

Awakening happens when negativity is released.
The biggest challenge is the ego. Learning how to love yourself can be a true challenge. Especially when you are continuously thinking you are doing so.
This is all about focusing on true love for yourself but at the same time, this will also be spread towards your twin and create the energetic love bliss.
Letting go is not letting go of your Twin flame, but actually releasing the ego attached, that is trying to detach and cut the ties from their divine Soul connection.
There is a lot of controversies that people have been talking about cutting the ties, I have never met anyone who has been successful with cutting off from their divine Soulmate unless it was not truly a divine Soulmate.
Remember that we are sent to certain people in order to help us grow, as karma connections can mimic the same energy.
Our minds may want what it wants but when you were connected to someone energetically, you will know without a shadow of a doubt in your heart, with unconditional love no matter what.
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