Spring Equinox is The Renewal Time For Soulmates & Twin flames

The spring equinox opens the energies between both our physical and our spiritual world for a complete renewal in our lives to emerge.

The key word of Spring is creation. Spring is a rebirth of stored energy that has been hibernating all through winter, needs to be expressed and initiate a new beginning and opportunities. Lasting 1-2 weeks before also after the exact time of the Spring equinox.

On the first day of Spring the sun moves away from the water and Psychic sign Pisces and enters into the fiery creative Aries.

The astrology sign Aries represents new beginnings, and bringing to life things to bud, start to grow.

Love relationships start off fresh and open new energies of something brand new to emerge.  The spring is the beginning of a new seasonal climate change with nature.

New Life with birds and the bees, everyone gets excited for these new changes happening in the air.

The spring equinox is also celebrated in many different cultures as the time of new fertility, rebirth and regeneration for our life force. Our ancestors have known Spring Equinox the time of fertility. Today it is part of many cultural religious and Christian Holidays, (Easter and Passover).

Many of us are entering a spiritual awakening of inspired changes. Just as the trees, perennials begin to grow after a long cold winter, this is the time that past love relationships (Soul mates or twinflames) find they that need to rekindle and reunite to start a new season of changes in their future.

Ways to Embrace Spring time equinox

First set you goal for changes in the future.  It’s a good idea to plant seeds to for new beginnings, also pulling weeds to remove the energy that it is left at the end of winter (if you have them) so your letting go any negativity.

Detoxing cleanse for your body, I’m not talking about fasting or starvation. But eating healthier and adding fruits and veggies, or try a delicious green smoothie and add greens, (first ask your doctor if you have health concerns).

There are so many excellent and delicious cleanses out there, I’m a big fan of Dr Oz, he has many on his website, that may be able to help start you off in the right direction and get an idea.

Balancing and cleansing your Chakras energy with meditation or try a yoga class.  Focusing on your new goals – deep inhaling positive energy and then exhaling your old thoughts and patterns.

Spring Cleaning your home

This is the best time to cleanse away any negativity and start off fresh in the Spring. This will clean your energy.

Clearing any negative clutter that will clear your mind. Removing negative energy that has accumulated over through the winter, preparing your  home for new and positive energy for the spring and the summer.

Also burning white sage following your cleanse session, or for an extra boost, try a using sea salt mixed with water to wash door knobs and other handles in the home, also another tip try adding vinegar to water in a spray bottle and use in place of your household spray cleaner. I use this everyday and not only is cleansing but better for you without harsh chemicals, for bathrooms I use the vinegar along with baking soda.

No matter what you are using, a good thorough cleanse is going to have the same effect on the energy in your home space and bring in a positive and higher vibration level for love in your life.

One Reply to “Spring Equinox is The Renewal Time For Soulmates & Twin flames”

  1. Spring always brings that air of change in our lives and these new energies can help us resolving issues that were “hibernating” during winter. Thank you for the great tips!


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