Spring equinox March 20, 2025
Equinox is a time of rebirth and new beginnings.
The first day of spring, awakens nature that brings in fresh new light into the atmosphere.
This is the time of healing of past wounds and hurts that I’ve never been dealt with. Keep in mind there will be a lot of ego that will be triggered because of Venus being in retrograde.
This is a time of letting go of the long winter, you will feel a deep soul-searching transformation in your spirit, While focusing on a deep healing and spiritual rebirth with embracing and welcoming new beginnings into your life.
This is not a time to let go of everything or people out your life but welcoming the new light and energy is that spring brings in our lives.
After the dark ending of winter the light starts to shine brighter and stronger.
Emotional energy
With Venus retrograde happening at the same time that brings a sudden sense of sadness and reminiscing of past emotions when it comes to old flames, loves and relationships.
Think about it carefully and do not make any type of impulsive decisions during Venus retrograde, if you are planning or trying walking away from a relationship.
There’s a heaviness in the air with emotional energy because of Venus retrograde, causing the release of past emotions.
Also with the Venus in retrograde and spring equinox happening at the very same time, it will bring back past love relationships.
This includes soulmates and twin flames, but it doesn’t always have to be just with romantic relationships.
This includes family and friends but you may have not heard from in years. They suddenly appear back into your life and sharing their emotional experiences while they were away.
The spring equinox is a time of equal night and day, that you are balancing you are and aligning your spirit.
Spring Equinox is a time for renewal for divine partnerships (soulmates, karmic and twin flames).
As we come into the astrologer will sign Aries which is the first sign of the zodiac representing new beginnings and strength.
Spring Equinox renewal of Rekindling and reuniting soulmates, twin flames and spiritual connections is very common during spring equinox because of the new energy entering with the sun and light.
Tips on drawing in positive energy for spring equinox and autumn equinox
1. Embracing the sun.
Although some of us are in parts of the world that don’t get as much sun, you still can absorb the sun’s rays even through clouds.
The light stimulates vitamin D into our bodies and this has a positive effect on our energy, and enhances our mood.
Just remember to limit exposure in sunny areas, you want to avoid a sunburn. Use SPF sunscreen.
2. Detox and cleanse the body.
I’m not talking about just going on a cleansing juice diet or going all vegan. Although there is nothing wrong with it, (I do these on alternate days.
Choosing cleaner and healthier food choices. Try to stick with Whole Foods and produce, avoiding anything that is processed and from a box or a can, stay away from GMOs.
I like to meal prep for my family, cooking my food for the week and freezing them, then warm them up when I’m ready to eat. There are many ways to get creative I know with busy schedules it is time consuming, but when it comes to your health it has to be a priority.
So many of us become secondary during the winter and we can get lazy. This is the time to get yourself moving and excited about the spring energy.
With the changes in the season even if it is autumn in your area you want to get moving. There are many different types of outdoor and even indoor activities that you can do.
I always talk about fitness, And you could always do something that you love that you enjoy, you can even try a group fitness class, some of my favorites Zumba, body pump spinning, yoga and barre.
Just whatever you decide to do be consistent. You will feel so much better and happy that you started now!
3. Healing and empowerment
It’s time to just forgive and forget, I know sometimes it’s difficult when person hurts you and says something that seems to be unforgivable.
But it’s time to move forward and let go.
You can say it to yourself without even telling the person that you forgive them and you let go of the past. And really feel it in your heart, this is the first step of healing and letting go.
4. Visualize for manifestation
Visualizing something that you really want in your life and holding that in your heart can actually transpired to a reality.
Planting the seed and then allowing it to grow and nourish it every day by believing and putting that energy out there, you have hope and not giving up.
The laws of attraction teaches us that when you put your positive intention out there you draw in positive energy towards you.
Make this time your time for the best but you can be for 2025!
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Thank you Anne for helping me understand the whole spiritual soul connection topic..I am 44 years old I have learned a lot about this through my seperatation.. I always new my wife (2nd wife) was the love of my life and she agreed that she feels that we are soulmates of some kind.. do I just give it the time that is needed.. thank you Anne
You’re welcome. Yes just give it time.
Love and Light to you