When summer solstice comes around it isn’t rare or is the full moon every month.
But this time they are both are on the same day that makes this a very spiritual and powerful summer solstice and full strawberry moon.
The summer solstice is a time of celebration and self-expression and it’s when we celebrate a very powerful and motivational force of energy.
This is the best time to open your heart with setting out intentions for the future while embracing the light and our love of nature.
This is one of the reasons why we tend to come out more during the summer months, not only just for the longer warmer days and beautiful starry nights but for energy with the light that the sun brings to us.
We depend on the sun’s rays to give growth to our gardens but it also sends us the same powerful energy to heal and help us grow spiritually.
Summer solstice brings us the energy of light.
This is also time to embrace the energy of love in your hearts, giving gratitude for all your blessings and appreciating the finer things in life, such as going back to nature, this is the best time to meditate as you grow spiritually with the divine – love and light.
Summer solstice meditation with light
This is a very powerful time to get outside this week and absorb the energy of the sun, I know the sun’s rays can be burning and dangerous, but even if you are under a shaded tree or gazebo, you are still absorbing the powerful spiritual rays from the sun’s light throughout your whole body (remember to apply SPF).
I always light white candles (citronella) along with burning white sage while I’m in a solstice meditation in my pergola.
This is also the time to bring your crystals outside to absorb the powerful summer solstice light and keep them out overnight while full moon charges them, making their healing qualities even stronger.
This is an extremely rare event, it will have an impact with love relationships.
Especially soulmates and twin flames, this is a time you need to try to refrain yourself from from any emotional upsets can occur, this can have both a negative and positive impact with your soulmate or twin flame relationship.
The full moon has a heavy influence on our planet but combined with this extremely powerful time with the masculine and feminine coming together during the summer solstice of light and dark it will also intensifies and increase the sexual energy between people.
Also bringing relationships back together, even if there was a long separation between them.
Bring in positive energy
This is a time of a complete rebirth and new beginnings, it’s a time to enjoy and embrace life.
Think of it as when you when you were a kid and how you couldn’t wait to play outside or participate in the summer activities, what kid didn’t love playing outside exploring nature? But why as we got older, summer become so difficult to enjoy those little pleasures of life.
I’m not saying that we all should go outside with butterfly nets and catch lightning bugs but hey if it makes you feel a little bit of the summer fever, then go for it, we should all try it sometimes LOL.
Take control pushing away anything negative and start focusing on creative new fun ideas, allowing the summer energy to attract positive energy and beautiful blessings in abundance to your life.
*One Free Question per person – New Subscribers and Clients Only
Love will i get back together with my husband and is he leave this other woman
I am trying and trying to reach upto you. Pls help me to get relieve from restlessness of my soul. Pls lift my to soul to reach my destination. I don’t know what it is. I feel it is searching something vigorously and helplessly. When I read the concept of soulmate, I thought it might be my reason of restlessness- My soulmate. Pls help me guide me .
Thank you Ann for sharing, yet, another informative, uplifting, and helpful reading filled with some great reminders.
Have an exciting and relaxing week/weekend/many moments, and continue to Be an invaluable gift to self/Self, HUmanity, Mother Earth/Gaia, merging worlds, and beyond. ^_^
<3 <3 <3 Barbara