Twin flames & Soulmates Connecting and Reuniting

The process of Twin flames and Soulmates connecting is endless.  Twin flames also can also feel and communicate with each other through visions and in a meditational state. Soulmates and twinflames Continue Reading →

Leap Year 11:11 – Manifesting your dreams – Divine Union for Soulmates

This Year’s Leap Year  add up to master numbers for manifesting and spiritual enlightenment. 29 – 2 + 9 =11 – February 2016 – 2 + 2 + 0 + Continue Reading →

Empath Highly Sensitive: What does it mean?

An Empath is someone that is able to experience what others experience just as they are experiencing it. Empathy is an ability that understands and the feelings of others. If Continue Reading →

Loving Yourself Enhancing Soul mate Connections

The energy that you put out in the universe will be manifested in a soul vibration that attracts love directly to you both. Your soul mate feels your emotions on Continue Reading →