Spring Equinox 2025: Embrace New Beginnings and Love

Spring equinox March 20, 2025 Equinox is a time of rebirth and new beginnings. The first day of spring, awakens nature that brings in fresh new light into the atmosphere. Continue Reading →

Venus Retrograde – It’s affects on Love, Soulmates and Twin flames

Venus goes into retrograde. This is planet that rules love, peace, beauty and harmony is  in retrograde March 4,2017 – April 15,2017. You may ask what does Venus Retrograde mean? Just Continue Reading →

Spiritual Full Moon Lunar Eclipse having an impact on Soulmates

Spiritual lunar full moon event happening within the next 48 hours! It Starts on February 10, 2017   The full moon will be Spiritual beautiful and is often called the Continue Reading →

Reaching the 5D Vibrational Level with your Soulmate – Twin Flame

5D level with my twin flame and how do we achieve this higher dimensional level This is something I’m commonly asked. The 5the dimension vibrational frequency that you can feel with Continue Reading →