Spirit Energy – Manifesting Soulmate Connections

Spiritual energy comes from the source that bond that connects everything in the universe – the force that flows through and between everyone connected. Everything is connected and affected by Continue Reading →

Differences Between Divine Soulmates – Karmic, Twin flames & Twin Rays

You see the word Soulmates all over the internet there is something new written about soulmates or Twin flames. There are websites, webinars and workshops dedicated to help find your Continue Reading →

Soulmate & Twinflame – The Healing process

Many People today have found their soulmate or twinflame, but yet many are still waiting. The desire becomes a thirst for deep love, and even completeness with someone. It’s best Continue Reading →

When Twinflames Separate – Runner & Chaser

I have had many questions since I wrote the post “Twinflames Runner and Chaser explained“ Many of you are wanting to know what signs can you expect from the Universe Continue Reading →