Thanksgiving at our house was always an amazing experience!

Thanksgiving morning was exciting
My sisters and I would be so excited to watch the Macy’s day parade in New York City. I am still excited to this day!
The smell of mom’s turkey, pumpkin pie and must not forget our traditional stuffed cabbage with pork and rice.
Thanksgiving has and still is treasured and the most celebrated holiday in my family.
The Thanksgiving dinner table was my dad talking about how we all need to be thankful and grateful for our blessings. Even when it’s not Thanksgiving.

At the time we were all so young, we did not really understand it but I always valued the energy for Thanksgiving.
My mom and dad wanted us to understand what the true meaning is and not to look at the presence or the commercialized energy of the holidays. But giving thanks 365 days out of the year. I’m really thankful for my upbringing.
So growing up, we all knew that the holidays are the time to be grateful and to focus on the love in our hearts.
Like many of us, we are all taught this way, but as time goes on, the commercialized side of things comes through and we all start to see other things as being more important.

As many of us love to go Black Friday Christmas or holiday shopping, we can get caught up with the stress that associates with it.
Who can get the better deal on a 4K TV, laptops, iPhones, toys and many other things that we see and want for our family? Actually back in the 70s and 80s, Black Friday did not exist. So things were So different.
This really takes everyone away from the dinner table and racing to a superstore to grab something on sale. It is very sad.
Sure there’s nothing wrong with catching a good back Friday sales, but this is the time we all need to spend with our families and loved ones.
Not unless you take the whole family for a good after Thanksgiving dinner walk at the mall! That’s actually better for their health and yours as well.
Holiday stress:
This is when it all starts. Causing us to lose true values. But with Thanksgiving, it is the time for teaching our families, the same as we were taught.
This is the time that we all should be Universal in every country and start bringing gratitude back into our homes. Remembering the holiday even if you don’t celebrate in your country, it’s a good time to express gratitude and be thankful.
Getting caught up with the seasonal energy is easy, but you can have memorable moments, filled with love and joy, sharing everything with gratitude.
Thanksgiving is a time to start traditions and make them memorable for generations to come.
This is a good time to start volunteering for work and helping those who are in need this Thanksgiving.
Expressing gratitude:
Sharing gratitude with others will help you focus on positivity and love.
Pushing away anything negative and not thinking about anything that has happened.
Many times we are faced with differences with family members, spouses (Soulmate and Twin flames included).
This is not the time to give any type of negativity power. But a time to forgive in your heart, even if you are not speaking with loved ones, forgiving with love and keeping them in your prayers and thoughts.
It’s a good idea to keep a journal with gratitude and send positive quotes on social media platforms.
This just reminds us of what we feel in your heart and inspires others at the same time.
Thanking God and giving all the gratitude from your heart to those around you. It’s not just about religion but about the positive energy you feel and allowing it to spread with joy.
Thanksgiving Counting all your blessings.
Even if sometimes you just don’t feel you have anything in your life, or not enough, this is the time to dig deep and if you are feeling down, pick yourself up and lift your vibration.
You’ll be surprised by how many blessings you see in front of you and how thankful you truly are in your heart.
Say positive affirmations:
Saying positive affirmations every morning will help you find your true center.
It will help align your soul energy so that you can get on with your day and it will get easier each day.
Even if you’re not feeling positive, this happens to everyone. We are only human and you are your own soul coach.
You have to find that beautiful higher self and dig deep for the love in your heart.
This is something very powerful and this helps you to connect to your higher self and God.
With meditation, you can surrender and release anything that is off-balance and start aligning yourself to your true center.
Healthy living:
I’m a strong advocate when it comes to my body and spirit.
Fitness is one of the things that I practice on a daily basis. Keeping myself moving is important to staying not only young but being healthy.
Circulation and moving are important. As we get older and it’s easy to get lazy during this time of the year. So maybe after dinner, a walk with the family is not a bad idea! Or plan for a family outing like going on a nature hike.
Being healthy is my priority, eating as clean as possible. Staying away from fast foods, however I do love Chick-fil-A and Chipotle (North American chain restaurants).
This is all part of the mind-body and spirit. Keeping these things intact, celebrate you and find the love in your heart!
I wish you all a healthy and Happy Thanksgiving!
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