Twin flame healing and the manifestation process is very sacred.

When meet your Twin flame, it is magical.
They instantly know that there’s a bond that can’t be broken and that there will never ever be another that will take the place of their divine counterpart.
Many times you will feel a “déjà vu” feeling, so intense that it makes you wonder what is really happening?

While they both can feel this energy together.
It will make them wonder if there is a purpose, a divine reason why they both were brought together in the sacred union.
Twin Flame healing is meant to reveal the inner depths of your truth.
Helping them recognize themselves by working on certain areas so that they are able to connect on a higher frequency on their spiritual path.

Twin flames are a reflection of ourselves.
There may be times when you’re going through the Twin flame healing, they can be extremely sensitive, dramatic and very irritable to be around with. This is reflecting the unseen part within yourself.
Twin flames have unconditional love for one another.
Their energies mirror and reflect everything they feel inside. They are able to tap into each other and reciprocate messages. This is commonly referred to as telepathic Communication.

They are sending you messages on what is mirrored right back to you and needs to be worked on.
When there’s ego, sometimes it makes it impossible to find the hidden depths of what needs to be released and replenished with light.
Unconditional Twin flame love is a partnership that cannot be broken. The Twin flame connection is revealing the deepest aspects of love, inside you.

What happens if my Twin flame is separated or has blockage?
it’s mainly because they are both set in their ways that they need to work on themselves a little bit deeper in order to find themselves at a higher frequency.
Similar to a person not knowing how to swim and diving into the water, they must first relax and find themselves with the rhythm of the water.
Twin flame mirror will actually reflect both positive and negative vibes of you. Sometimes things can be hidden and forgotten; that it’s time to let go and start over.

Twin flames heal as they understand that you are their mirror.
This is the only time Twin flames can find the happiness and contentment with each other, as they both heal themselves and as they are aware that they must change and release through ego.
Both Twins must be healed in order to awaken and come to a Divine Union.
Runners and Chasers
This has become a very popular topic in the Twin flame collective. When there is separation, the Runner and the Chaser phases begin.
Causing one twin to run from what is being shown to them a reflection by the Chaser who is trying to find himself/herself inside of someone else. Codependency and Runners can be a conflict with living in harmony.
Not that anybody is codependent on anyone, this is a term used (just like the Chaser).
This is because one twin is completely awake, he or she can see the reflection of themselves and is willing to explore further.

The Runner is terrified and doesn’t know how to take it.
They end up running in a direction that they become lost. Both Runner and Chaser stages can be easily be reversed as well.
The Runner is hiding.
The Runner phase is actually turning away from themselves and they can’t see their inner truth because they are too afraid. This is mainly because of issues that were not properly healed.
Healing takes time.
I know a lot of people that don’t like to hear that healing can take a while before they do come together. Twin flames go through a roller coaster of emotions. Many times they don’t even realize it but they are hurting themselves, by either running or chasing away from themselves.
As the healing process happens, they are both healing one another simultaneously. Their love is unconditional, they complete one another, your twin is your person.

Twin flame Healing process
Each twin must heal themselves individually and recognize what it is that they need to release.
Your Twin flame is the deepest part of the love inside you.
Embrace what you feel in your heart, whether your twin is with you or separated.
Helping to lift one another up by identifying the energies that need to be released. Identify the weaknesses in order to heal yourself as you heal your twin.
This will help for the spiritual enlightenment and awakening to manifest.
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