Twin flame Connection
Twin flames are a part of the Soulmate group, (we have more than Soulmate) however it is a type of soulmate that you only have one. At the very beginning before your brought into this world, there is only one soul that splits into two, entering into a lifetime completely separated and always longing to feel complete, this cycle can repeat through many lifetimes.
They can go through years before they finally do meet their other half and the ultimate reunion occurs with both spirits emerging as one.
As beautiful as it sounds it can be very painful to finally connect and live in harmony.
Many times they can skip lifetimes and enter without meeting their twin, however this is not rare, it’s a 50/50 ratio that they will meet their twin flame.
It’s never a good idea to go looking for a certain type of soulmate or your twinflame, this is all part of your spiritual karmic energy and you need to clear your energy before you can find the one you are meant to be with, this could be your Soulmate or twinflame. Either way its part of your destiny.
Twinflame Separation
It may not be the perfect time for them to reunite, one twin is usually more spiritually aware to recognize when the other one isn’t.
Many twin flames are in total agony when they are separated physically, this is commonly referred to a runner and Chaser phase.
There is a healing that happens with twin flames and though nobody can explain why this healing has to take place before they finally are merge together, it’s all about understanding life lessons and coming to terms with who you are spiritually.
A twin flame runner cannot run forever, obviously they are running from something internal inside of them which is usually part of the spiritual detox that leads to their inner healing work.
Twin flames need to work on themselves with self-love, anytime you are working and healing yourself, you are actually raising your vibration and radiating more divine love and light to one another.
When twin flames first meet, sometimes one twin has toxic energy, they usually will separate for many years and then reunite when they have finally realized and come to terms with their own issues and negativities to make it right with their other half. Very common for for the Runner and Chaser and then later becoming the stayer.
The separation is temporary but it feels like eternity.
The chaser is not exactly chasing the runner but they do have an awareness of what role they play in this relationship and know that they are deeply connected, the runner not running exactly away from the chaser but more from what’s calling them deep inside their spirit into their heart center usually causing a lot of fears of past wounds to awaken.
When we separate from her twin flame, we can also be involved in other relationships until the divine union is ready. Many times twin flames will meet early in life and then often marry a soulmate to help them grow and awaken.
Then later in life meeting up again with their twin flame, and it feels as if nothing has ever changed, the love is as strong as it ever was.
This is all part of the Life lessons that we need to learn with ourselves and healing our energy along with gaining strength inside our spirit.
No matter where you both are at, it will happen as long as you two are on this earth together, I don’t know why everything, but we have to go through certain tests in order to purify our energies to unite with our other half and many life lessons that we must fill fill before this divine union can take place.
The separation is temporary and will help the twin flame union connect on a higher 5D level, while opening our true soul consciousness. Allowing you to love yourself more and to become secure within your spirit.
This paves the path for twin flames to unite and finally find their home with one another.
When you are at a standstill you are lowering your vibrations to a lower frequency and not allowing your healing to manifest.
When twin flames are not ready to reunite

Portrait of an attractive lady staring at her boyfriend with love
If one twin isn’t ready, this is not because it will never happen, it’s just not the right divine time for them to come together as one.
There is a series of tests and trials that they need to go through in order to come together as one body. Many times there is a spiritual purge of negativities that they need to release in order to realize the higher level of love deep inside their hearts, and that starts with loving yourself first.
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Thank you Ann.