Twin flames awakening prior to divine union.

Twin flames awakening that occurs prior to the divine union for both Twin flames and Soulmate connections.
This has been called in the past a false Twin. But in reality, it does not exist.
They go through a soul journey by meeting different types of spiritual connections prior to meeting their divine counterpart, many times finding certain types of soul connections such as karmic connections to help them open up their inner child and find their inner truth.

They share extreme energies just as Twin flames, but it usually involves a lot of drama and sometimes toxic energy.
Very different from what the Twin flame connection represents, this is all part of the process of finding their divine counterpart.
Karmic connections can include energy with feeling very low self-esteem and self-worth. There can be a codependent issue along with addiction. You may be involved or your Twin may be involved in a karmic relationship.
Either way, this is all part of the release and surrender that they need to experience in order to recognize and understand their soul journey.
Karmic connections are not permanent, they are connections that are preparing for union with your divine counterpart and it is needed to clear emotional blocks in order to connect to the higher self.

Twin flames have a very powerful energetic force when they first meet up.
This is amplifying and opening them both energetically, preparing for union. Looking into their twin‘s reflection of themselves, Twin flames find themselves loving unconditionally, reaching ultimately into the 5D level.
How Twin flames connect and reach one another is unique. No two Twin flame couples are alike, they all have their own way of connecting and finding divine union.

However, they all do share the same type of clearing blocks and during this process.
They first must release old past wounds, anger, jealousy, and grief, and anything that no longer serves a purpose.
Working separately on themselves.
Twin flames need to work on themselves separately. As they both go through a soul process with releasing, surrendering, and letting go of anything internally that is conflicting with their energy from moving forward.

Twin flames Awakening is all part of the soul merge and learning how to love unconditionally.
They have been preparing for this union their whole life. They may have experienced past history of complicated relationships with drama and even toxic energy. But these are all part of the soul lessons they needed in order to grow and evolve spiritually.
When you first meet your Twin, there is an amazing energetic feeling that happens. You instantly awaken to a higher light and things all seem to make sense. You see things much clearer and understand why you went through the things you did.
They may have experienced a past history of complicated relationships with drama and even toxic energy. But these are all part of the soul lessons they needed to grow and evolve spiritually.
When you first meet your Twin, there is an amazing energetic feeling that happens. You instantly awaken to a higher light and things all seem to make sense. You see things much clearer and understand why you went through the things you did.
Many Twins are not ready for the union. And this is all part of the preparation as they work on themselves. They must find themselves energetically clear to start moving forward.

Challenging times
Releasing internal conflict might be a challenging time for many. And separation can be brutally painful. But if you’re truly searching for internal peace and love.
You must first let go of control and release ego, many times this can be the culprit and inhibiting you from finding your true authentic self. This may not be pleasant to hear for many, but it is true.
Focusing on yourself and always having a positive outlook.
As the process can be painful, it can also awaken many things in your life. There are many perks with awakening to your soul center, not only coming closer into the divine union but realizing things that you’ve not seen or felt in the past.
This is all the divine process you both connect to help the greater good.
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