Twin flames enter our life unexpectedly.

We do have more than oneSoulmate, But not all are the same.
Many times they enter in our life for a brief time to help us learn something about ourselves. This is to fulfill our destiny and grow spiritually.
With so many different Soulmates that enter in one’s lifetime, there’s always a divine purpose and why they met. But only one twin flame.
Dating is never easy and meeting so many different people can be confusing. Always wondering if my Soulmate or Twin flame? Only to learn that they are the wrong person, helping you pass a test to learn a valuable lesson in your life.
I’m asked all the time about “how to speed the process up to find your true soulmate or how to tell if this is your twin flame?” Or just find somebody that can’t fill that empty feeling of loneliness.

Commonly, you can be involved in a committed relationship and you suddenly find your Soulmate or Twin flame on some type of social media (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and more).
It will cause confusion and now your life has taken different turns in so many different directions. Opening your eyes to see more clearly about your life choices, making you see that this committed relationship was not truly committed. Making you realize where you are in life and what changes you need to make for your future.
The problem was not because you went looking for your Soulmate but because they were sent to you to help you discover deeper things about yourself and the choices you need to make for your future.

Many would think that this is at the wrong time that your Twin flame has entered in your life.
But actually it was all in divine timing. You never went looking but found, without realizing that they were your Twin flame.
If you were in a similar type of situation and find yourself very drawn to someone. Really look at what is going on in your relationship and try to find balance.
An awakening can happen at any time. With awakenings they are an eye-opener to healing your past wounds to move forward.
Everyone’s situation is unique and not everybody’s going to be going to the same type of challenge.
Think of it as part of growing up spiritually. That you have to get through different types of love relationships that you may have had struggle and pain with.
Only to find that this type of situation was not what you thought it was until you met the “One” You true Soulmate or Twin flame.

When Twin flames aren’t ready?
This is often called the runner and chaser stages. This is when letting go and releasing any type of toxic and negative energy out of your life. You’re not completely ready, you are scared. Then they are not available or ready, just yet because of their own emotional issues.
There is a lot of pain and heartache when the two cannot be together. Asking yourself questions on why your twin flame entered your life? but cannot be a part of your life?
You may have tried moving on finding another but always finding yourself back with them sooner or later.
The runner and chaser stages, The cycle goes around in circles.
This plays a big role in both souls working on themselves and healing whatever it is until they are ready to come together in a divine union.
Despite whatever is happening in both of your lives. The Universe has a plan and there’s nothing you can do to cut the ties or speed them up.
Many times they are a type of soulmate that can get us through these challenges.
Spiritual awakening is when we are discovering about ourselves. That’s when we can see that we are really living and we can open ourselves to what is truly in our life.
Many times we grow out of something of a situation that we thought was going to last forever. You have to really examine and look for the truth that can’t be denied.
Twin flames enters and your life will change 360
You meet your twin flame and everything seems perfect. But then you realize that you may have gone through your awakening before your Twin did. Trying to understand why you met this person when you were not ready for your soulmate and now they are not awake.
The best thing to do is not stress and be hard on yourself. It is not time yet for either of you to come together, but it is time for you to work on yourself.
Eliminating the negative and toxic situations out of your life, being more assertive on what you want and most importantly loving yourself first before everyone. It’s not a selfish act but you need to really embrace the love in your heart.
Treating yourself with respect, never being hard on yourself with negative words and not allowing anyone to ever bring you down. This is the first step in connecting with your soulmate.
This is all part of the process with correcting and working on yourself.
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