Twin flames spirituality connections and their Dynamics.

Twin flames are different, but still part of the Soulmate collective.
With Soulmates, you have more than one and they serve different purposes throughout your life, but you only have one Twin flame.
Twin flames can feel the dynamic energy that pulls them together as soon as they look into each other’s eyes. It’s a magnetic energy that is very intense.
Twin flames Dynamics feeling will be something that you have never experienced before.
You can sense the feeling of relief as soon as you both meet, but at the same time there is an overwhelming sense of fear.

Twin flames Divine union
It’s not about having the most beautiful romantic relationship. They are actually sent to help us learn about ourselves and find our authentic selves.
Our egos automatically return back to 3-D and there is a painful push & pull surge of energy that becomes extremely difficult, like in a painful separation.
Twin flames Dynamics will feel like the most painful experience that you had ever felt and there is nothing that can relieve the pain. It’s like having this person 24/7 in your mind.
Many times, past fear-based energy will come up and open up old wounds, making the both of you visualize and realize what are your own faults and how to correct them, along with releasing & surrendering in order to reach a higher frequency with one another to the 5D level.

Twin flame connection process stages.
Twin flames are set together to work on themselves energetically and simultaneously.
Though they both need to be ready in order for union to take place. Even if one twin thinks they’re ready that their twin isn’t, it is in fact very mutual and they both are not ready.
This is called the ego-based energy, no matter how much you worked on yourself, there’s always something else that you need to work on.
What is the twin flame purpose?
Many think that Twin flames are the ultimate love connection and everyone wants their Twin flame to be united.
Yes, because the feelings are so intense, but it is not what they are intended to do together on earth.
Before they can find love and a total bliss with one another, there is so much work they need to do on themselves in order to get things right.
Twin flames can feel the 5D energy level when they are together, and then pulled back into the 3-D in order to work on themselves and see where they are at in order to become they’re authentic self.

Twin flames can go to those highs and lows for many years before they do finally get things balanced together.
There is usually a separation phase that happens before they can realize their mistakes.
Many times, Ego is the biggest Challenge, which they need to remove in order to see their inner truth.
This is the main reason why they go through the separation phase. Often referred to as the Runner and the Chasers stages.
In order for them to heal and learn about themselves, they need to find themselves in total solitude in order to relate to their inner strength and open their heart.

Ego can prevent them from supporting and gaining strength with the higher purpose to connect and serve others.
At the beginning stages, Twin flames are meant to test and get through the challenges in order to release egotistical power over themselves and surrender to one another to find their own balance.
Because of their deep intense connection, the separation can go on for some time, in many cases years.
As they struggle and merge harmoniously towards one another, Twin flames have a higher calling with each other and to serve the world. They first need to be healed and come into a complete balance.

Twin flames Dynamics heart centers connect energetically and telepathically.
They can receive messages with love and reassurances that they are connected and coming together.
Although it is not a physical voice, the energetic feeling of just knowing their other half is right next to them.
In order to find their true authentic self, they must first find the balance inside each other.
There are many unresolved issues and past old wounds that need healings. They must be released and they need to come to terms with.
When twin flames first meet. There is a certain trigger that happens and their emotions are amplified to the highest level. As though they may feel the love in 5D, there’s also unresolved issues that seem to come to the surface.
Twin flames are not meant to feel pain. But depending on what they have been through all their lives and prior to meeting. They need to work on themselves in order for the Divine union to happen.
Twin flame emotional energies need to open up and accelerate one another’s hearts.
Once they opened their hearts. They need to accept and learn to love themselves, then they will be able to submit their spirits as one. Coming into a Divine union and feeling a total bliss… the highest energy of love.
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Love and Light