There are so many questions about Divine counterparts (Twin flames and Soulmates) on their spiritual purpose.

Twin flames and Soulmates are part of the Soul Connection Collective.
Soulmates, we have more than one and they all serve a different purpose throughout our lives. Twin flames, on the other hand, you only have one.
Divine counterparts can feel a dynamic energy vibration pulling them together as soon as they walk into one another’s eyes. This magnetic gaze is very intense.
This energy will be completely different and extreme than you’ve ever experienced in your life. You can feel the energy growing and many times, it can be very overwhelming during a full moon or an eclipse.

Divine union
Everybody dreams of having a romantic relationship with the divine counterpart. But there is so much more when it comes to meeting your Divine counterpart.
You can be in the most beautiful romantic relationship and also the most painful and intense one.
The ego automatically goes into the 3-D and many times, there is a push and pull surge of energy that makes it difficult for them to be together, causing a painful separation.
This can feel as if it’s the most painful situation you’ve ever felt, and there is nothing that can take the place of your Twin flame. This person is on your mind constantly.
Divine counterparts help one another open up past wounds and heal them.
Making them both realize what their own mistakes are and correcting them. This is part of a release and surrendering in order to come to a union in the 5D level.

Twin flames process stages.
Twin flames brought together. They energetically working on themselves simultaneously and correcting their own faults and mistakes.
They both need each other in order to manifest a connection. They both need to be ready and open to their union.
What is their purpose?
Everyone thinks that Twin flames are the ultimate sole bond connection.
Yes everyone is searching to be with their Twin. Yes, it is a very beautiful and intense energy that they share together and it is something you’ve never felt before. They can do more for the greater good on earth together as a couple (romantic or not), they need one another.
But before they can reach total bliss with one another. They need to work on themselves to get things right.
Twin flames energetically reach the 5D level when they are together but are automatically pull back into 3-D when they need to do the work on themselves. This is when they become their authentic self.

Divine counterparts go through highs and lows for years before they finally become balance?
There is a separation that happens before the union. This is part of their challenge of release and surrender in order to find their inner truth. Ego is the biggest culprit when it comes to opening their heart to their other half.
When they are not completely merged together, there’s no harmony, and the main reason why is that the separation phases for Twin flames. This is often called the Runner & the Chaser stage.
Understanding their ego.
Ego can prevent them from gaining strength in order to connect and serve others.
During the beginning, Twin flames are faced with a series of tests and challenges as they release egotistical power over themselves and letting go of negativity.
They do struggle as they learn how to harmonize with one another. Twin flames do have a higher calling with each other and to serve the world and heal themselves.

Twin flames can connect telepathically.
Twin flames are able to retrieve and send messages to one another telepathically. Although it is not a physical voice, it is felt through energy, and many times through meditation and through visions.
Twin flames are not meant to be codependent on one another or feel pain, but they are meant to help one another find themselves and manifest divine union.
Twin flames work on each other energetically and accelerate as they amplify their connection to the 5D level.
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