Twin Flames: The Truth About and Their Union

Spring equinox officially starts March 20 2024. Twin flames & Soulmates go through intense emotional times during this time of the year. This is the most celebrated time of the year all over the World and even in ancient times. Spring is a rebirth of stored energy that has been hibernating since the winter, this will be expressed and start a new beginning and bring positive changes, and opportunities. it will Last from 1-2 weeks before also after the exact time of the Spring equinox. This is a time of rebirth and new beginnings. We are ending the winter solstice and starting a whole new astrological new year. The first day of spring awakens nature that brings in fresh new light into the atmosphere. This is a time of letting go of the long winter, you will feel a deep soul-searching transformation in your spirit, While focusing on a deep healing and spiritual rebirth with embracing and welcoming new beginnings into your life. This is not a time to let go of everything or people out of your life but welcoming the new light and energy that spring brings in our lives. After the dark ending of winter the light starts to shine brighter and stronger. On the first day of spring the sun moves away from the intuitive water sign of Pisces and enters into the fierce, creative fire sign of Aries. The first day of spring awakens nature that brings in fresh new light into the atmosphere. In the spring, we experience a rebirth in both, physically, spiritually, and emotionally, we gain new life. Springtime affects your spirit; you are affected by nature, every spring you have a chance to be regenerated again, reborn from the stillness and quietness of winter. Tips on drawing in positive energy for spring equinox and autumn equinox 1. Embracing the sun. Although some of us are in parts of the world that don’t get as much sun, you still can absorb the sun’s rays even through clouds. The light stimulates vitamin D into our bodies and this has a positive effect on our energy, and enhances our mood. Just remember to limit exposure in sunny areas, you want to avoid a sunburn. Use SPF sunscreen. 2. Detox and cleanse the body. I’m not talking about just going on a cleansing juice diet or going all vegan. Although there is nothing wrong with it, (I do these on alternate days. Choosing cleaner and healthier food choices. Try to stick with Whole Foods and produce, avoiding anything that is processed and from a box or a can, stay away from GMOs. I like to prepare meals for my family, cooking my food for the week and freezing them, then warming them up when I’m ready to eat. There are many ways to get creative. I know with busy schedules it is time consuming, but when it comes to your health it has to be a priority. So many of us become secondary during the winter and we can get lazy. This is the time to get yourself moving and excited about the spring energy. With the changes in the season even if it is autumn in your area you want to get moving. There are many different types of outdoor and even indoor activities that you can do. I always talk about fitness. You could always do something that you love that you enjoy, you can even try a group fitness class, some of my favorites are Zumba, body pump spinning, yoga and barre. Just whatever you decide to do, be consistent. You will feel so much better and happy that you started now! 3. Healing and empowerment It’s time to just forgive and forget, I know sometimes it’s difficult when a person hurts you and says something that seems to be unforgivable. But it’s time to move forward and let go. You can say it to yourself without even telling the person that you forgive them and you let go of the past. And really feel it in your heart, this is the first step of healing and letting go. 4. Visualize for manifestation. Visualizing something that you really want in your life and holding that in your heart can actually transpire to a reality. Planting the seed and then allowing it to grow and nourish it every day by believing and putting that energy out there, you have hope and not giving up. The laws of attraction teaches us that when you put your positive intention out there you draw in positive energy towards you. Make this time your time for the best but you can be for

Twin flames share an intense bond

We do have more than one soulmate, that many will mimic the energy of a twin flame.

But once you meet your twin, your life can make that 360 degrees change. You wonder and ask “is this a blessing or a curse?”

Both soulmates and twin flames go through the same energetic release and surrender with coming into a divine union. If this is a true twin flame connection then this is a part of your soul journey.

Twin flame connection, they share an intense bond that can’t be broken.We do have more than one soulmate, that many will mimic the energy of a twin flame.But once you meet your twin, your life can make that 360 degrees change. You wonder and ask “is this a blessing or a curse?”As I explain more about detaching from this divine soul connection, I will be mentioning more about twin flames since I’m asked questions on a daily basis about this topic.Both soulmates and twin flames go through the same energetic release and surrender with coming into a divine union. If this is a true twin flame connection then this is a part of your soul journey.The universe will not allow you to completely disconnect.As many of you know, we do have free will when we make our decisions. As this is so, it would be very difficult energetically to turn away from your twin.Only to find that eventually, something will bring you both back together.Many have tried to walk away and cut ties and chords, only to find that it makes the process that much harder and complicated, creating more pain than working through the process.You will continuously get signs and visions, as both of you are being shown that the energy is compelling you two even stronger.The Universe will bring you both, slowly into Union.Regardless of your or their current situation. When there are other people involved, sometimes it can get very complicated, especially when there are families involved. This happens every day and can’t be explained.Many who meet their twin flame or divine soulmate may not be ready for a union. As they both work on themselves, this can take time. As they release and purge negativity, this can create anxiety.We all have ego. And when we’re hurt or rejected in any ways, we automatically create a protective mechanism.Protecting ourselves from any emotional pain. This is the biggest part with soulmates and twin flames coming into Union. They must first release the ego and face their fear.I’m always asked these questions with all Soulmate connections:How to let go of my twin flame? Is there anything to cut the ties? But the actual questions are not being revealed. I’m really being asked:How to release and stop the pain from my twin?How do I stop feeling them?Can I separate from my twin flame?Twin flames repair just as soulmates are connected in this life. We have planned this reincarnation energetically together. We are sent here to work on ourselves in this life for the union.As we are both on this earth together. Everything seems to not go as planned.There’s work to be done and being born in different cultures, countries, age differences, families and obligations, makes it extremely difficult to come into union.This is the main reason why we are faced with these challenges and tests in life. Many times, we are not ready to meet our twin flame and are sent to someone who can give us equal love and compassion as if we were with our other half.Instead of trying to figure out and look for answers of why we are sent to someone that doesn’t know us or can give us the same love we have for them.Look at the bigger picture, why you both are not in union.Is there something in your life that’s hindering you from reaching your higher self?
As I’ve mentioned ego is the biggest factor here when it comes to union with your divine partner.I know when I mention this to people who are going through the process and feeling the pain with separation, they get very defensive and try to convince me that they put a lot of work on themselves and are ready. The fact is that, yes, they have found themselves spirituality, both souls must be ready to come into Union (actually they’re trying to convince themselves).Trying to let go of your twin flame.Sounds easier than it is. If your mind is convinced, many times you cannot automatically feel a sense of relief from the separation. A sign appears and automatically is triggered off, they feel and sent back to where they were originally, many times with more pain.Whatever the situation may be, trying to detach is never the solution. But working on getting past the ego and the 3-D circumstances when they are not in alignment with your highest path and purpose in life.Twin flames are on this soul journey together. One cannot disconnect while the other is still working. This creates the teeter-totter experience and automatically creates more drama and toxic energy that they feel and reciprocate.Working on yourself along with spirituality and mediation are the key.If you can’t let go, it best to find ways to get past the pain. trying to look at the bigger picture of the situation.There is a reason why things are happening this way. It will be shown and revealed to you when you are ready.Chances are when you are awakening, they will awaken at the same time.This happens quite often, especially during spiritual and energetic events in our atmosphere.A divine union can happen at any time, sometimes longer than other times, but the main thing is never to compare your situation with others. Go with the flow and find your soul center.Let go and surrender, leave it to God and focus on your higher self.

The universe will not allow you to completely disconnect.

As many of you know, we do have free will when we make our decisions. As this is so, it would be very difficult energetically to turn away from your twin.

Only to find that eventually, something will bring you both back together.Many have tried to walk away and cut ties and chords, only to find that it makes the process that much harder and complicated, creating more pain than working through the process.

The Universe will bring Twin flames, slowly into Union.

Regardless of your or their current situation. When there are other people involved, sometimes it can get very complicated, especially when there are families involved. This happens every day and can’t be explained.

Many who meet their twin flames or divine soulmate may not be ready for a union. As they both work on themselves, this can take time. As they release and purge negativity, this can create anxiety.

We all have ego. And when we’re hurt or rejected in any ways, we automatically create a protective mechanism.

Protecting ourselves from any emotional pain. This is the biggest part with soulmates and twin flames coming into Union. They must first release the ego and face their fear.

They can be being born in different cultures, countries, age differences, families and obligations, makes it extremely difficult to come into union.

This is the main reason why we are faced with these challenges and tests in life. Many times, we are not ready to meet our twin flame. They are sent to someone who can give us equal love and compassion as if we were with our other half.

Twin flames separation prior to divine union There is a separation between divine counterparts, (Soulmates and Twin flames). They must first work on themselves separately in order to purify their souls to come together as one. We have more than one Soulmate as many of you may already know that enter in our lifetimes. They are all unique and each one serves a divine purpose. Twin flames are very special and unique because they are mirroring one another’s soul. You only have one Twin flame. Karma connections sometimes can feel like a Twin flame. But very different as they’re sent to us to help us find our true purpose and lead us to our divine counterparts. The only way to find the truth if you are with your karmic is when you have actually found your true twin. The karmic will be completely out of your heart. Twin flames need to be in perfect alignment prior to the union. They need to release unnecessary energies, ego and examine their true purpose. Their lives will change completely and things will never be the same when you find your divine counterpart. Releasing old wounds, and emotional conflict can trigger feelings of sadness, hurt, pain, anger, and energies from the past. This is the main reason why the separation process is so necessary to help release these energies and find clarity inside themselves. When Twin flames find each other, it sometimes isn’t easy to release these issues. There is a deep intense amount of energy and emotional feelings that need to be purged away. Ego and emotional pride can create chaos, creating disagreements between Twin flames. They must first be ready to find harmony with one another. The best thing to do is not put any type of timeframe of when the union will happen. It is because they must work on themselves and everyone is different. You can’t put a label or timing on how long that is going to be. In many cases, it can take as little as two weeks to 10 years. It’s really impossible for time frames to be accurate when it comes to Twin flames. Whatever the situation is, it is all part of working on themselves to find a union with one another. There is a certain amount of pain, hurt, and a feeling that sometimes is unbearable emotionally. But this can change overnight once the ascension of the union begins. The separation process can be sometimes very difficult. The one thing you have to remember is that you cannot disconnect or sever the ties from your divine counterpart. Let go and surrender negativity, while focusing on positive thoughts, keeping an open mind. This is a new chapter that opens the doors for divine union. Awakening Twin flames can feel each other energetically. As they reach one another to their higher selves, they can see their blocks and anything that is hindering their union. Twin flames will always be compelled to one another as a magnet is to metal. This creates emotional surges of energy, especially when the ego gets in the way. Another reason for separation as they work on themselves and uncover their authentic selves. When union does happen, they will be able to activate the energy of the twin flames, to be together as one. Understanding each other for destiny to manifest. Twin flames have more work together. It’s not just about total bliss with living a beautiful life together as a couple. But it’s actually so much more. They are brought together in this life to help the greater good. They actually work together to find ways of making life better in the world. This is an extreme and most beautiful experience for Twin flames and divine counterparts. Though it may be very challenging in the beginning, it turns them both up into upgraded versions of themselves and living into the 5D frequency level together. Ego is a big factor when it comes to Twin flame union. No one wants to hear that they are wrong, or need to change things in their life. This is a simple reason why they must work on themselves separately to release and let go of blockages that are inhibiting them from coming into union. But as they finally work on themselves, Ego is automatically eliminated and healing begins. They face their own traumatic experiences and humble themselves, as they prepare for divine union. Twin flames are special and very unique as they continuously reciprocate telepathic communication to each other, becoming more efficient with the energies and in tune with interpreting the messages they are receiving. For a limited time, I’m offering one free question. This is one per person (just to be fair).

Look at the bigger picture, why you both are not in union.

Is there something in your life that’s hindering you from reaching your higher self?
As I’ve mentioned ego is the biggest factor here when it comes to union with your divine partner.

They can get very defensive and try to convince me that they put a lot of work on themselves and are ready. The fact is that, yes, they have found themselves spirituality, both souls must be ready to come into Union (actually they’re trying to convince themselves).

Trying to let go of your twin flame.

Sounds easier than it is. Whatever the situation may be, trying to detach is never the solution. But working on getting past the ego and the 3-D circumstances when they are not in alignment with your highest path and purpose in life.

Twin flames are on this soul journey together. One cannot disconnect while the other is still working. This creates the teeter-totter experience and automatically creates more drama and toxic energy that they feel and reciprocate.

Working on yourself along with spirituality and mediation are the key.

If you can’t let go, it best to find ways to get past the pain. trying to look at the bigger picture of the situation.

There is a reason why things are happening this way. Chances are when you are awakening, they will awaken at the same time.This happens quite often, especially during spiritual and energetic events in our atmosphere.

A divine union can happen at any time, sometimes longer than other times, but the main thing is never to compare your situation with others. Go with the flow and find your soul center.

Let go and surrender, leave it to God and focus on your higher self.

If you have a question about your situation, fill the form below.

For a limited time – One free question via email

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