Twin flames union journey with separation

Divine partners (including Soulmates and Twin flames) go through a constant cycle of releasing and surrendering process.
This is all part of the Twin flames union process in order for them to come together as one. Though we share many different types of Soulmates connections with different people, they all go through a certain type of separation process that includes the same amount of intense energy.
However, Twin flames are unique. They mirror the Soul of one another and you can only have one Twin flame. Before divine partners can come into perfect alignment.
They must first examine themselves and release the ego and negativities of excess baggage.
Your life will change 360 and never be the same after meeting your divine partner (Twin flame).

The sacred union has to be completely perfect.
They need to examine their souls thoroughly. There is also release of lot of old past wounds and emotional conflict that may trigger certain anger, feelings of sadness and pain.
This is the main reason why separation is so necessary to release these energies in order to find each other.
When Twin flames are together, it may not be easy to release and let go of these issues.
There will be a heavy amount of ego and negativity thrown at one another and it will end in chaos. This is mainly why Twin flames are always in separation at the beginning.

Twin flames experience prior to union -Separation, chaos & Drama
Everyone‘s separation process varies in length of time. It’s impossible to predict.
Some may be in a little as a few weeks and others up to 20 years.
We can’t put a timing on when they finally get it, since they are constantly working on themselves.
There is a certain type of challenge that Twin flames go through.
It is a mystery why Twin flames and other divine partners experience such intense pain and hurt and many times rejection.

The separation can be extremely difficult to cope with. This is why severing or cutting ties will never work.
They need to thoroughly find themselves what no longer serves a purpose.
Releasing and letting go, starting over again a new leap that makes them see what they are missing in life.
Often referred to as the “Awakening”. This is when one of the Twin flames actually wake up and see themselves for what they are becoming their authentic selves.
This is when they can finally find in their hearts what is truly missing. Their other half is what they long for. The ego is a strong culprit that blocks the union.

When Twin flames are trying to find each other, a lot of emotional energy with ego can get in the way.
This creates the separation but actually it is to help them find their true authentic selves.
Once their higher-self is reached, they can then see their other half and know that they are destined to be with one another, coming to perfect alignment with one another.
This helps them both understand what they needed to do in order to fulfill their destiny.

Often Twin flames don’t just get together and “live the happy ever life”.
But they are actually called for service to the World together as a Superpower couple!
It’s a very unique experience for every divine soulmate partnership.
Although it seems to be very difficult and challenging, it can actually turn into living into a higher frequency in 5D.
Twin flames and other divine partners are part of the process in order to find themselves in a 5D upgraded authentic self.

The ego does not want to hear that they are doing anything wrong, automatically they create a barrier.
They don’t want to acknowledge what they need to do to work on themselves, both sides Runner and Chasers have an enormous amount of ego when it comes to working on themselves.
When they finally do bring down the ego, they are able to heal and face emotional trauma.
Bringing them to be ready for the union.
There is constant energy being reciprocated and they can telepathically communicate and feel one another’s energy.
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