Twin Flames Union: Is Separation necessary for union?

What is the true purpose for Twin Flames to separate for union? It happens with divine counter parts That includes: Twin flames, sacred connections, compatible soulmates. When Twin Flames start Continue Reading →

Twin flames – Working through Chaos/Challenges

Twin flames can get through anything together (even in in separation) TWIN FLAMES ARE EXTREME AND VERY POWERFUL. Many times their energy shifts and it feels almost toxic and with drama Continue Reading →

Twin flames Healing: Leading into Divine Union

Twin flames healing starts with loving yourself. Twin flame/Soulmate in Chaser and Runner Stages. A painful time of separation for divine counterparts. Twin flames healing begins with solitude in order Continue Reading →

Twin flame / Soulmate showing signs of a narcissist?

Narcissist behavior is very common among Soulmates & Twin flames. Narcissist behavior can happen with Twin flames and also Soulmates going through the Runner and Chaser stage. Many times Twin Continue Reading →