What is the true purpose for Twin Flames to separate for union?

It happens with divine counter parts
That includes: Twin flames, sacred connections, compatible soulmates.
When Twin Flames start to move towards each other or the closer and closer they get in physical union. Things begin to manifest and develop their energy as everything is complete and out in the open. It is very common for one twin to get scared or try to disconnect.
This happens often with Divine Soulmates in order to prepare for everything that is coming.
Twin flames separate for healing & Union.
Soulmates are presented with a catalyst at least this is where the energy comes into this dynamic.
It’s really to help you adapt, building endurance for the spiritual intensity of what you’re about to experience on your soul journey. For what is to come with the intensity of your Divine counterpart.
Sometimes even meeting different types of soulmates to get through their life path. It’s never a good idea to go searching for a specific type of soulmate. Many times after they meet they know that it’s only temporary.

But it’s all for the sake of preparation for the Divine counterpart.
They could not be ready, thinking: “I’m not ready for this, I need more time”. Many times the Divine counterpart is procrastinating and they know they have to start moving. You will automatically feel this energy and can hit you out of nowhere.
This creates a feeling of overwhelming energy with pain and sorrow that is unbearable. The best thing to do is tune in to your inner spirit and listen to what your heart is telling you.
There is no other way to do this when you’re not in the physical with your divine partner. Focus on spirituality to get you through this difficult time. It can be the most challenging thing you’ve ever experienced.

When there is a past life conflict.
It will carry over negativity that has happened in a previous life. The times they experienced before in the past life.
Making them feel unloved or able to express that love in their heart. This happens especially if they or you had some type of negativity in this current lifetime and not getting the love they need.
Twin flames both Mirror each other and experience the same things; they both are similar in many ways. But yet so different in many ways. Another reason Twin flames separate.
Why is there a delay?
There is a healing happening. When the layers of energy patterns are cleared out, the higher self can will filter negativity and reach to a higher frequency into a 5D level.
In order to a complete divine union. They must first re-examine their lives and focus on true self: love. I hear many times that people feel that their twin has a narcissistic energy or behavior pattern. And yes this can be true due to the fact that there is so much ego.
An ego can actually create a barrier that blocks their souls from uniting as one. Often referred to as the runner and the chaser stages. I have talked about this in previous articles that you can read about.
But in order for Soulmates, Twin Rays and Twin flames to come to a Divine Union they need to first purge through all their negativities by purifying themselves and detoxing the energies so that they can manifest in perfect alignment to a divine union in 5D.
The best way to get through the agony and pain is to not stress or worry about it, but focus on working with yourself by moving forward and keeping your vibrations lifted.
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